Parliament goes into recess

Parliament’s autumn session went into recess on Thursday.

Speaker D.Demberel said the DP changed the political situation when it pulled out of the coalition government, but he noted that the coalition resolved many issues for the country’s development in its three-and-a-half years.

D.Demberel said the coalition government’s activities were directed at overcoming economic difficulties and stimulating economic growth. He also noted that the autumn session of Parliament ratified the election law and a new election structure with a new electronic voting system. He said fraud and improper vote counting will end with the new system. He also said the new election law bans parties from promising money to voters.

The autumn session passed 188 laws and protocols, and ratified 10 international agreements. The Speaker said Parliament’s authority extends for another six months, and if it makes the effort, much more can be accomplished. The session ended with the playing of the national anthem.

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