Women politicians announce new inter-party alliance

On Thursday, women politicians met at the Chinggis Hotel. In attendance were women MPs, deputy ministers, business owners, doctors, teachers, economists, and representatives of local settlements.

It was noted that women work in the security, military, police, production, finance, legislative, education, trade, service, humanitarian, and health sectors. Ts.Oyungerel pointed out that, if women took a holiday on the same day, Mongolia’s economy would come to a standstill.

At the meeting, a new partnership of women members of the MPP, DP, and CWP was announced. As women, mothers, and wives, they said their most important issue is children. They noted that poverty in the country has reached 40 percent, even while the economy is growing at 20 percent. That means 40 out of every 100 citizens in Mongolia are poor.

Delegates expressed their opinions on maternity hospitals, kindergartens, and secondary schools, and issued a memorandum on children’s issues.

The MPP women gave reports about maternity hospitals and population issues, the DP women on kindergartens, and the CWP women on secondary schools. They pledged to unite for a long-term partnership to address maternal health and children’s issues.

A member of the Democratic Women’s Union noted that MNT 400 billion is needed to build kindergartens for children currently unable to attend, but the Government has allocated MNT 800 billion from the Human Development Fund for handouts that have had no concrete benefits.

Another woman stated that a teacher in a local settlement secondary school has an average of 11 students in class, while a teacher in the capital has 77. She underlined that the education and health care systems have not changed from the 1970s and 1980s.

Delegates discussed children’s issues that they said have been overlooked by men politicians.

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