Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia /MONTSAME/ Parliamentary Standing committee on budget discussed bills to amend laws on income tax of individuals, income tax of companies and budgetary statement and assumption on November 29.
The committee also considered a parliamentary draft resolution on definition of allowance rate to be distributed to Mongolian citizen from the Human development fund in 2012.
During the discussion, D.Baldan-Ochir MP asked about an amount of loans from the Development bank and what projects they will go for. The Minister of Finance S.Bayartsogt said that this bank was granted a guarantee of 800 billion togrog in 2011, but the bank was not able to use them. "So the Development bank is going to use 30 billion togrog this week and the same amount next month, and it has been planned to give the bank 700 billion togrog to the guarantee, which will be in total 1.5 trillion togrog in 2012," he said.
During the discussion, D.Baldan-Ochir MP asked about an amount of loans from the Development bank and what projects they will go for. The Minister of Finance S.Bayartsogt said that this bank was granted a guarantee of 800 billion togrog in 2011, but the bank was not able to use them. "So the Development bank is going to use 30 billion togrog this week and the same amount next month, and it has been planned to give the bank 700 billion togrog to the guarantee, which will be in total 1.5 trillion togrog in 2012," he said.
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