Chief of Election General Committee newly appointed

Parliament held a session today to discuss the dismissal of N.Luvsanjav, the head of the Election General Committee, upon his request. A poll indicated that 61.1 percent of the 54 MPs agreed to discharge N.Luvsanjavand, upon his removal,M.Luvsanjav and Ch.Sodnomtseren placed for the post during the session. A heated debate followed because MPs of the MPP group in parliament claimed that the DP politicized the case. Now parliament is discussing the issue of whether or notto appointB.Altanjargal as the deputy of Election General Committee. B.Altanjargal graduated as a lawyer from the University of Irkutsk in Russia in 1985. The MPP is claiming the Election General Committee is turning into political organization because B. Altanjargal is also a member of the DP.

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