March 19th 2010 neevar forget

so this epic story started last week wen we [as a whole class] were assigned the task of doing a site analysis. the site was 2 empty lots behind devon house's back entrance [site a&b] now unlike other site analysis', the lecturers told us wat was needed, the location of the site and who is on what site. it was up to us to figure out who was gonna analyse wat.

this led to the argument of the century

big head #1 suggested we split up into site A and site B where one group would analyse northwards and one would go southwards

big head #2 suggested we split up into our tutorial groups [also called A and B] and split up even further to analyse specific items

big head #3 suggested we jus randomize and assign ppl to their strong points


while the biggerheads were organizing/planning/arguing the lecturers went off in lols to go and eat ice cream. I eventually got pissed and jus went out to do work, i wasnt the only one who jus did work, i think it was bout 10 of us or so..... neways on my return trip back to site B, which was the base camp for the big heads, orders were being dished out [finally!] so they told me to study cultural stuff [most of which i did already]. i was to do it with 3 others but by the time we crossed the street and do a one walk, we had to leave.

between last week and today we had 2 other big projects to do, one due tuesday and one due thursday.............

it was thursday evening [the 18th] wen the tribe leader said "yow guys u know we dont have shit for tmrw" after this there was panic. i calmly told tribe leader that i was gonna eat lunch then type up my info in a neat microsoft word document.

between my lunch break and me typin up my document, tribe leader and the group, of which i shall call tribe 1, went down to the site to get info we were supposed to get on friday, another small tribe went to hunt for building codes, only God knows were they went to look for that.

After the information was gathered, work was split into 2 groups, the ppl making the models [we needed 2 models] and the ppl doin the printed sheets [we needed at least 6 24"x36" sheets but we used 8] sometime in the evening i left to go home. tribe 1 planned on stayin the whole night to finish up the work

@ home, after reading fb, it seems only tribe 1 was at school, and little to no ppl else was there [btw tribe one is about 10-15 ppl out 40 mash students]

The Drama Begins
so i reach 8ish am, tribe one, who covered a good amount of ground during the night, was about to turn in some sleep. i [plus the group that came in @ 8am which i shall now call tribe 2] naturally stepped in to finish up. i did one of the models. as time progressed, the model was lookin more and more complete as more and more ppl pitched in around 11ish tribe 1 woke up and decided to entertain us with dances from night at the roxbury. this dancing ritual was brought to a halt when we got a 'ye guys ur a bit too loud' notice from the lecturers

all was fine and dandy on the model side, it was up to the print ppl to sort out themselves and print. by this time some of tribe 1 went home and a fresh new set of ppl [naturally called tribe 3] came in. now tribe 3's appearance caused some disruption, mainly cus some members felt tribe 3 didnt do shit. neways the males of the tribes didnt really give a shit neways and did work nonetheless about 1pm [an hour b4 it was due] the print ppl were ready to print.

we model ppl already confident in our progress decided to jus tidy up around the edges.....then light went.......light came back............light went neways we still went along workin till someone said "o shit the papers finish print yet" and b4 long a tribe 1 member came down the stairs to deliver the news

"So yea guys 2 pages print and the 3rd one still in the printer, I'm goin home"

struck with shock most of us laughed at the irony, until we heard that a nigga crashed into a light pole.........

being irrate and all a mix of tribe 1 and tribe 2 went out to look at the accident so we could cus him off. the search was in vain as the accident was nowhere to be found. on our way back to the dungeon, Dr B the lecturer said, yo guys jus do smtn in the next 1/2 hr and still pinup. so since the model was mostly done tribe 1 and tribe 2 model ppl decided to help with the paper stuff [note the printing paper ppl were mostly tribe1] some tribe 3 finished the model while other tribe 3 were lookin around for alternative printing sources

tribe 3 member: ok there's this place called XYZ it costs $600.00 per sheet to print
tribe 1 member: that's $3,600.00 divide that by 25 ppl thats about $150 per person that not so bad
me: i have $15
same tribe 1 member: o ye im broke
same tribe 3 member: shiiiiiiit

neways 2:15pm we handed in

it ended up with tribe 1 being so pissed and tired that they didnt even present
tribe 2 was half and half
tribe 3 was in the presentation room tryin a thing

so much drama, in one day one blog cannot contain it

ze end

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