some quotations (Dr Bailey Edition)

some quotations from some of our lecturers 1st - 2nd year gonna start with Dr B then move on at later dates

Dr. R. Bailey
[Head Studio, Digital Design Media, Design Studio 3 & 4]
bio: always at school yet rarely seen outside of classes, never late, absent or sick, owner of quite possibly the largest number of architecture books in the caribbean, steel band player, lover of music and macs, slight lisp, always seems to smile at someone else's expense

-You don't have a scale rule?????? You don't have a scale rule?????? [in a very surprised face to Danell after asking for her scale rule]

-Any of you guys play an instrument? [no one answers] And you call yourselves artists [leaves studio]

-I have never heard so much bs in my life [comment after hearing a student's final crit for the semester]

-Back when I was at school we had a costume contest, I dressed up as Michael Jackson and had to dance [Melville plays Billie Jean, crowd of students chant] [Dr. B denies denies denies denies] [Dr. B dances] [class erupts]

-You know I really admire the work you've done here, I can't think of anything wrong with it.
[Mr Picart] Rohan you know you can say the word like, repeat after me, I like it
[Dr. B] Iiiiiiiiiiiii....[long drawn out extension] it ye sigh happy now?

-[students complaining about pieces of work gone missing due to virus' on the school's computer] well ye u see i don't get virus'

-unfortunately guys i cant get the notes to you we're having computer problems [Stephan] is the mac [Dr. B] hell no

meh there is more but this is it for now

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