Douge Douge quotes and some more stuff

so some quotes from 2nd year

COd quotes

[Daniel recalling a kill he got from Angelo]
Angelo really gay with grenades, one time me and Quashie shooting at him, him throw a grenade and kill Quashie, then him take up the grenade from Quashie's martyrdom and throw it at me

[The time Darien was silently killing us all]
[Angelo] Who's that, that's Darien, where is he I don't see him in studio
[Me] he's beside the light table
[Angelo] thats not fair yo
[Me] someone throw a grenade roun there, that'll run him out


[Shaun and Deandrea talkin bout cod perks in a sorta pervish way]
[Quashie] u jus said Deeper Penetration, its deep impact, unless is smtn else u talkin is wa kinda perks u have?
[Shaun] o u using that Double Tap and Juggernaut for more stamina hmmm
[Kayode] lol deeper penetration
[Shaun] o u using Overkill, thats why u hear look so [btw overkill is when u can carry two primary guns

AfteR studio quotes

[Me, Shaun and Deandrea arguing over musicals]

[Shaun] musicals suck
[Deandrea] noooo they don't
[Me] I jus hate when everything breaks into song
[Deandrea] ye thats how they are
[Me] *start singing* (8) but why is this soooooooooo (8)
[Shaun] (8) please tell us why soooooo (8)
[Me] *jumps on table and starts somemo singin
[Deandrea] you guys are assholes

[Shaun talking about which lecturers would make Yu-Gi-Oh cards]

like Stanley would be easy, it would read "This card does absolutely nothing"

[Me and Deandrea arguing over if Danell said the word sexy or not]
[Me] she said sexy
[Dee] no she did not
[Shaun] being the great equalizer I will settle this, Danell did u say sexy or not
[Danell] i did
[Shaun] Michael wins this
[Danell] wait no I didnt say it like that
[Shaun] ok Deandrea wins all wins go to Deandrea
[Deandrea] wait...... I win omg i won from shaun it feels like a million points omg omg
[Shaun] no no no no we dont reach into points yet this is jus one point, and from all the times u lost u still have -399 points
[Deandrea] like seriously guys, u couldnt make me enjoy my win
[Shaun] i tell u, giving her a win is like giving a Nigerian a US$1 note, their like "omg what is this i can do anything with it"

[Deandrea talkin bout blogging]
[Deandrea] some ppl need to update their blog cof cof shaun cof cof
[Shaun] no u need to talk to this one, *points at me* u'd be coughing till u get black lung

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