Favourite 2nd year projects
ok there wasn't that much projects in 2nd year [that i liked] but they were still interestin

#1 Memory
Brief: We were to design a memorial in honor of an event [we gotthe Frome riots] that took place in Jamaica's past. We were split into groups for analysis [best group evar= me, Je-Anne, Amanda and Shaun].
Rules: The structure was to be small enough so that it could be transported.
Purpose: To be able to analyse a 'memory' and relate to it in an abstract way, without losing the meaning
Why I liked it: Because it involved research which, weirdly, I love doing. Even the method of doing my project was just all out me, no restraint, all risk.....and it worked :D
#2 Ritual
Brief: For this project we were to create a structure that was built around 'an event' [we got contemporary western wedding]. As a group [same group as Memory] we had to act out the ritual to better analyse it.
Rules: We were only allowed to design the interior spaces.
Purpose: To understand the importance structures have on the daily routine of humans
Why I liked it: Because of the process aspect of it, I had really cool drawings for it
#3 Portfolio
Brief: Collate all projects done since the start of 2nd year into a digital format.
Rules: Portfolio must be spiral bound and printed on 8.5x11
Purpose: Learning to use consistent sheet layouts as well as to analyse each project that semester
Why I liked it: I dunno I just did :)
#4 Bus Stop

Brief: For this project we were to design a bus stop to go anywhere along the Half Way Tree to Papine route.
Rules: Bus Stop must be constructed in Google Sketch-Up and must be 'photomatched' along said route.
Purpose: To fully utilize all the tools Google Sketch-Up has to offer.
Why I liked it: Because of the photomatch tool. This was our first project where we could see our structure in the real world.
#5 Project 2: The Shelter
Brief: For this project we were to design a shelter [either temporary or permanent] to go along a section of the Hope River.
Rules: The shelter must be able to house one person as an area to study or to rest.
Purpose: To do research into sustainable materials and how the environment around a structure reacts around it
Why I liked it: It was very technical stuff. I chose to make mine temporary with easily detachable joints and simple construction. Plus my presentation went well.
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