My summary of Fountainhead

so in today's Architecture Since 1900 class, we watched a movie called Fountainhead. Its pretty much about how an architect, whom I shall call Joe, refuses to follow conventional designs so that the world can see that modern architecture is the way. Its cool and all but since this was based on a book written by a woman, its gonna be stuffed with drama.

So it starts with Joe presenting his design to some investors, the investors like it but they think it needs some ricing [rice: the unnecessary addition of items to an item, usually vehicles] so of course Joe takes this as a slap in the face and gets all emo and doesn't do any designs, essentially no one wants him so he becomes a worker drilling holes in rocks.

In other news there is a woman whom I shall call Kim. So she now is some kinda architectural journalist for a newspaper called The Banner. The Banner is owned by her so called fiancé whom I shall call Don. So now Don proposes to Kim, she says w/e then all of a sudden she runs into the country side. Kim now in the countryside walks like nothing is bothering her into the mines where ppl are drilling rocks. Now to me seeing that she was dressed as if she was goin to a party and she jus hops into a sausage fest, she's askin to be raped [later on she proves she wants to be raped]

In the magical fields where handsome men drill holes into rock while caressing the drill in a gay manner, Kim spots Joe, Kim instantly falls in love with Joe and asks him why he's lookin at her [cus she's the only female for 50 miles]. Desperate for Joe to rape her, she deliberately breaks some marble on her fireplace so that Joe can fix it. Kim tries hard to get raped but Joe just fixes the marble and moves on. Now Kim tells Joe to return to finish fixing the fireplace, Joe sends a plummer guy to fix it. Kim gets pissed, goes out on her magic white horse to chase down Joe, finds him and slaps him cross the face with a whip. Joe thinking wtf comes back later in the night to give her a slap or two [she didn't really get slapped jus a one shove which caused her to trip twice like a real damsel in distress] anyways no rape happens here, jus frustration and a one kiss. Joe then runs away to the city as he magically gets a job as an architect.


Joe's building gets built, Kim comes to look at the building with Don and Kim is stunned to see that the rock driller is an architect. Kim then wanting to get raped again visits Joe again after everyone leaves and gets a one kiss.

Don then hires Joe to build Don and Kim's house, Kim goes apeshit and tells Joe to gtfo. Don and Joe end up being friends and Don makes Joe famous and Joe builds buildings. Then there is a ginger guy [even tho its black and white u can still tell he's a ginger] who wants to copy Joe's buildings so that Joe's dream can come thru and the ginger can get the money. After this I fell asleep apparently Joe goes to court for this and ends up innocent. Don goes bankrupt and makes Joe build a mega huge building. Don kills himself and Joe marries Kim. The End.

All in all the movie is stuffed with sarcasm and cigarette smoke as well as some smart ass comments. The sorta cool stuff still don't make up for the drama.

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