The world according to Mangaroo

some misquotes, suggestions and theories from everybody's favorite racist/sexist physics teacher

  • Brown girls are the most dangerous creatures on earth
  • "I will assume that the whole class is dunce, its unfair to the dunce if I teach the whole class as if they're smart"
  • Males are always innocent, all men in prison are there because of women
  • "Your name is not important to me, only your ID number and the name I call you is important"
  • Humans are divided into 10 different groups: Lazy Man, Brown Girl, Ras/SellassieI, Ghandi, Ms. Chin, Harri Paul, John Wayne, Ms. Jamaica, Fat Girl and Marsher
  • "The only reason chinese can't play football is because every time them get a corner them set up a shop"
  • The average innocent male is called Peter
  • "Only bald people need to wear hats, and you don't see Mr Mangaroo wearing one?
  • "I like the rastas, they only deal with high grades"
  • "OK there is a boat coming into the shore.........wait nobody paying attention, OK there is a ganja boat *draws a big Trinidad flag on the ganja boat*"
  • Female's only pass Physics cus they get a physics boyfriend right before exams
  • It is a proven fact that girls give trouble because they didn't listen to their fathers
  • Females always propose outlandish and nearly impossible to build structures because they're not paying for it
and this is the tip of the iceberg

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