First Lady of Poland visits Mongolian Down Syndrome Specialist Centre

Today the Polish First Lady, Anna Komorowska, visited the Down Syndrome Association of Mongolia (DSAM) at their Specialist Centre, as part of the official state visit to Mongolia by President of Poland Bronislaw Komorowski on 21st October.

First Lady Komorowska gave gifts to the children and was impressed by the work of the children with Down Syndrome, especially the traditional Mongolian dance performed by Enkhjin, 14 years old. The Polish Foreign Affairs Office has for two years supported a project run by the Down Syndrome Association of Mongolian where families were given free consultations with specialists and children with intellectual disabilities were given free health check-ups.

The First Lady and Chairwoman of the Down Syndrome Association of Mongolia, S.Oyun (Minister for Environment), exchanged their hopes for the future of these children. S.Oyun expressed her gratitude for the support given by the Polish Foreign Affairs Office to the Down Syndrome Association.

DSAM was formed in 2008 by a group of Mongolian families who wanted to support all children with Down Syndrome in Mongolia. The non-profit organisation now hosts an early intervention centre, an on-going-learning centre for children and supports health, education and socialization activities and gives advice to families. Down Syndrome, also called trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder where a person is born with an extra chromosome causing some intellectual disabilities and many health problems such as congenital heart disease in new born babies. It is estimated that in Mongolia a child is born with Down Syndrome once in every 800 births.


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