China media: Mongolia ties

Media in China discuss China-Mongolia ties as President Xi Jinping visits the neighbouring country.

Mr Xi Jinping is the first Chinese president to visit the neighbouring country in more than a decade. He started his two-day visit on Thursday.

Both countries on Thursday signed 26 agreements in trade, infrastructure, energy and financial cooperation and pledged to increase their bilateral trade to $10 billion (£6bn) by 2020, according to Xinhua news agency.

Welcoming the partnership, the overseas edition of the People's Daily notes that the Mongolia will benefit from the strategic co-operation with China.

The paper allays fears that China's speedy economic progress will hurt Mongolia's growth.

"China will not do anything that harms Mongolia. Both countries will always be good neighbours, good friends and good partners," assures the paper.

An article in the Beijing News notes that good ties between the two countries are important for China's security.

"China and Mongolia share an extensive border. If both countries have good ties, there will not be any security concern for Beijing," says the article.

Criticising Washington's "rebalancing Asia" policy, the Global Times states that "the US is far from having full control" in "China's neighbourhood".

"China's neighbours should have a clearer understanding that the closer they get to China, the more benefits they can acquire from its growth," it says.

It adds that the bilateral relationship between China and Mongolia can "serve as a role model" for Asia because both sides have managed to overcome historical tensions. Deng's teachings

Meanwhile, papers in China and Hong Kong pay tribute to former leader Deng Xiaoping on his 110th birth anniversary on Friday.

The Communist Party leader opened the country to the outside world in 1978 and pursued economic reforms.

The Southern Metropolis daily and the People's Daily recall Mr Deng's teachings and urge the country to learn from his ideas.

Echoing similar views, the China Daily adds that the "spiritual legacy Mr Deng has left can still serve as guidance".

"Development is the absolute principle. Bearing this in mind and eliminating any barriers that stand in the way of the country's healthy development will be the best way to remember Mr Deng on his birthday," says the daily.

Media outlets in Hong Kong are also commemorating the anniversary.

"Hong Kong, too, has much to thank Mr Deng for, from special economic zones that brought great economic benefits to the 'one country, two systems' concept, which has generally been successful," says the South China Morning Post.

But the editorial points out that Mr Deng's work did not extend to political reform.

"Little has changed…Bold and visionary political reforms are overdue," says the paper. Ice bucket challenge

And finally, media note that the ice bucket charity challenge is gaining popularity in China, though with a "changed flavour".

The ice bucket challenge is the latest internet craze, involving people pouring cold water over themselves and posting their videos online with an aim to raise money and awareness about ALS, a neurodegenerative disease.

Observing that many celebrities in China "are waiting anxiously to be nominated" for the challenge by their fans, the China Daily says that the campaign has "evolved into a circus act" and public figures are turning it into a public relations opportunity.

Lei Jun, CEO of Xiaomi Technology, has reportedly combined the charity act with the promotion of his business.

"Media releases of him taking the challenge were followed by a lengthy description of his company and its products," notes the daily.

Worrying that the campaign has lost its focus, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has urged participants to not treat the challenge as a form of entertainment or a commercial event.

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