Parliament discusses elections, Tavantolgoi shares

Parliament on Tuesday discussed two competing draft laws on local elections, one that would have local elections held the same day as the parliamentary election, and one that would have local and parliamentary elections held separately.

MPs decided to submit the drafts to the Standing Committee on State Structure for revisions.

MPs then discussed proposed amendments to Parliament’s 39th protocol, which deals with the Tavantolgoi mining project.

The amendments would have most citizens receiving MNT 1 million in Tavantolgoi shares each, with the money to come out of the Human Development Fund. But students, elderly people, and disabled people who receive stipends of MNT 1 million each would not be eligible to receive the shares.

The amendments would also allow citizens to sell their shares back to the Government before the shares are sold on international markets, and domestic organizations could buy shares at a set price.

Parliament approved sending the proposed amendments to the Standing Committee on Economics for a final discussion.

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