Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia /MONTSAME/ The faction of the Democratic Party (DP) discussed on Monday a draft amendment to the law on local election and matters on exploiting the Tavan tolgoi coal deposit. It has been considered as necessity to pass the draft amendment this year's autumn session.

A head of the faction Ch.Saikhanbileg said the faction is ready to prolong the parliamentary session until Wednesday if many agendas must be tackled.

He said the local election law must be passed in the end of this session so that "the local election runs without any cheating or any illegal things", adding the General Election Committee (GEC) should ensure all conditions for a fair election.

The DP has submitted to parliament a bill on local election for running it together with parliamentary election, whereas the Mongolian People's Party has presented to parliament a draft law about organizing the local election on October of 2012. Here Ch.Saikhanbileg underlined that the DP is strongly willing to run the both elections at the same time.

Then the faction heard a report from its working group on altering the 39th parliamentary resolution on exploiting the TT coal deposit. This group is talking with another working group, set up by parliament, on the matter. “We consider that the head of the Cabinet Secretariat Ch.Khurelbaatar made last week an irresponsible statement saying that it is possible to distribute a cash of MNT one million to each person. In fact, MNT 2.8 trillion has not been placed in this year's budget yet,” Saikhanbileg stressed. Any decision must be made on this issue during the autumn session, he added.

The DP faction also considered as necessary to approve a budget clarification of the budget for 2012 and draft laws on abolishing differences in the pensions, and on health insurance in the autumn session. According to Ch.Saikhanbileg, the majority of draft laws are being discussed.


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