Investors' choice to be considered when selecting concession list projects

Mr. J.Bat-Erdene, State Secretary at the Ministry of Road, Transportation, Construction, and Urban Development, says the 95 items on the list of concessions earlier ratified by the Government have since been broken down into 124 after suggestions from the State Property Committee and several Ministries.

Investments in these will now be invited, so that work can begin without any demands on the State budget.

The list embraces a wide range of projects, from infrastructure to repair of monasteries to road building to setting up industry in the Sainshand complex to putting up apartments, to building railway. The Government has prioritized the work to be done in 2010-2012 but will give due consideration to investors’ choices when identifying any specific project to be undertaken. The total capital required is estimated to be MNT15 trillion or around USD10 billion.

Mr. Bat-Erdene said investors will be selected through competitive tenders, the specific parameters of which will soon be published. The State Property Committee will have a key role in the entire exercise. Asked about the status of the proposed international airport in Khushig valley in Tuv province, he said the initial cost estimate made in 2005 was 21.9 billion yen but this has now increased substantially. Final figures are being discussed among the Ministry of Finance, the consultancies, and the Japanese Government. Denying that there is any possibility of the project being abandoned disagreements on cost, the official said there was a likelihood that some parts of the complex, like the cargo handling facilities, some offices, and the monitoring tower will be built with Mongolian investment. Tenders are scheduled to be announced at the end of 2011.

Source: Udriin Sonin

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