New transportation minister tours sites

The new Road, Transportation and Urban Development Minister, Ts.Dashdorj, inspected the facilities of the Civil Aviation General Authority (CAGA) and the Railway Managing Office (RMO) on Tuesday.

The minister’s team visited Chinggis Khaan International Airport to observe local and international flights.

This year, the total number of flights is expected to rise to 14,700, the total number of passengers to 890,761, and total freight to 772.2 tons. The airport has a daily capacity of 1,500 passengers per hour and is working to increase that number to 2,000, said CAGA Chief S.Batmunkh. The officials also observed security monitoring, the regulations office, airplane repair, and other services at the airport.

CAGA was inspected twice by the International Civil Aviation Organization in 2010 and has been ranked the fifth-best organization of its kind in Asia and 15th in the world. The minister asked CAGA officials to take measures to improve the security of pilots and employees and to promptly organize flights between Alma-Ati and Ulgii.

The minister then visited the railway station. Employees of the RMO stated that they are facing several issues, including the need for a new station.

The current station was built in 1951 and is in disrepair. An estimated MNT 1 million is needed to prepare architectural drawings for a new station. The RMO could build part of the new station and private businesses could build what they need for service and production.

Railway officials also said the railway operates at a loss of 40 percent because passenger tickets are too cheap. The railway serves 1,500 passengers daily and a total of four million were served in 2011. Also, passenger carriages are outdated and passengers need more comfortable accommodations.

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