Cloud computing cable in Inner Mongolia deliberately severed

A section of optical fiber cable connecting Horinger county in Inner Mongolia and Beijing was deliberately cut, reports the state-run China News Service.

China Telecom's Hohhot branch has reconnected the cable and launched an investigation into the incident.

The cable was being tested in preparation for the creation of the largest cloud computing information park in Asia, set to become one of China's backbone networks. Around 300 km of the 700 km cable was installed in Inner Mongolia.

Liu Mingliang, head of the maintenance center of China Telecom's Hohhot branch, said the internet connection that the cable supports cut off abruptly in early August. Staff members discovered that the cable underneath two wells established for maintenance and monitoring in Guziban village in Hohhot's Saihan district had been cut deliberately.

This caused damage amounting to 260,000 yuan (US$42,000) and it was difficult to fix. Liu said that the cutting of the cable was likely malicious given that the cable itself is worthless and so wouldn't have been stolen for its resale value. This is the the first time one of China's backbone networks has been deliberately sabotaged.

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