Water to aid Mongolia

The organisation's Barry Jiggins says it is all about getting fresh water into the country's schools.

"I have been going to Mongolia for the better part of 10 years now and on many occasions I have visited villages and seen schools that really struggle with clean water," he said.

"Many of the schools still rely on scooping up water from local streams."

Mr Jiggins says the water projects they have completed are in need of funds for maintenance.

"It is one thing to build these water projects, but you need to maintain them; these communities have to endure -40 degree temperatures in the winter," he said.

"So from time to time, the pipes for instance can freeze or the generators break down."

Mr Jiggins says this is where the students in Australia can help.

"This project is an idea to get young people from around Australia to help us put money aside for a term deposit, so that into the future we can use that interest to pay for the maintenance and improvement of existing water projects and also to build new projects," he said.

"The paydirt (sic) for all of those kids raising money around Australia is a live webcast connecting each of those 400 classrooms to the Bayangovi school grounds.

"So the kids in Australia can actually see and hear the Mongolian kids that they have helped... and so they become part of the story and not just read about the story."

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