Mongolia ambulance trip for Southampton university students

Seven students from the University of Southampton have set off on an epic journey to Mongolia in two ambulances.

The 10,000-mile trip will see them travel through 19 countries to donate the ambulances and medical equipment to the local emergency services.


En-route to Mongolia, the students, five of which are engineers, will also modify the ambulances to survive the harsh road conditions.

They are due to arrive in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia's capital, in late August.'Long life'

Bought by the students, the ambulances will be given to the charity Go Help which will put the vehicles into use locally.

Electronics and computer science student Alex Forward said: "Useful patient transport in Mongolia is in incredibly short supply, made worse by the country's poor road conditions."

The students have also raised over £2,000 to help with the running of the ambulances.

"So we don't just deliver the ambulances and they're useless, they should have a long life in Mongolia," Mr Forward said.

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