Note of Himalaya

The Himalaya group exhibition opened at Tsagaandarium Art Gallery on October 11. Artworks by State Honored Artist and Art Merit Worker Sh.Chimeddorj, Cultural Merit Worker Ts.Narangerel, Cultural Merit Worker T.Enkhjargal, Union of Mongolian Artists prized artist L.Ganbold, and Union of Mongolian Artists prized artist N.Adiyabazar were displayed. Artists traveled to the Himalaya Mountains and created the artworks displayed in the exhibition. The artworks by each artist show different colors, utterances and painting methods. The exhibition will continue for two weeks. Here is an interview with some of the artists participating in exhibition.


-What was the distance that you traveled in the Himalaya Mountains?

-We went to Sichuan province, China in 2012. Our travel group went by a car and mountain path. After that we reached Tibet. The most difficult part of travel was the mountain paths and nature.

-Why did you gravitate to the Himalayas?

-Four painters went to Europe in 2011. Myself, Sh.Chimeddorj, Ts.Enkhjargal and L.Ganbold traveled to Europe and opened an exhibition titled “Note of Europe” at Tsagaandarium Art Gallery in 2012. The exhibition was a success, so we started to think our next travels. We don’t have to create artwork in Mongolia. Foreign artists come and exhibit in Mongolia. Mongolian artists are also able to travel abroad and create artwork. We traveled to Europe before. None of us had been to the Himalayas before. That is why we built up our group of five people and left for the Himalaya Mountains.

-How did you coordinate financial challenges? Did you have a sponsor?

-It is obvious that there are financial challenges in going to the Himalayas. Painters find it difficult to pay expenses out of their own pocket. We went to the Himalayas with the support of a person who understands and loves art, the President of MCS, J.Odjargal. The artworks displayed in the exhibition might not have been created if he did not support us.


-What were your strongest impressions of the Himalayas?

-I felt that Mongolians are related to the wide steppe. The mountain paths were so difficult. Not everyone can go by mountain path. That was a stumbling block. Chinese youth around 20 years of age fainted on the mountain path. We continued our travel comparing ourselves with them. We climbed 5,000 meters. Without that knowledge, people still say “wow” when they see our paintings. But there are very hard situations behind the paintings, such as snowstorms and extreme cold.

-Was your health influenced by the weather?

-Yes, such as having difficulty breathing, hypertension and chest pains. The Himalayas have high mountains and there was huge lake between the mountains. I was so captivated and frightened.


-How long were you traveling in the Himalayas?

- Around ten days. The Himalaya Mountains is a place to go and study for a long time. But if you stay long, expenses increase. That’s why we did not stay long.

-What did you notice in particular when you were observing the lives of Tibetans?

-Tibetans look after their yaks and stay in tents. Tibet is poorer that Mongolia as I observed. For me, Mongolia is rich enough compared to Tibet.

All artworks in the exhibition are very different from each other. Go to Tsagaandarium Art Gallery and admire five artists’ unique views of the Himalaya Mountains.

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