Update on nationwide development projects

The “Development Hour” meeting took place at the Government Palace on September 2, and reviewed the progress of development projects proceeding nationwide.

Minister of Roads and Transportation, L.Gansukh, reported that the new road linking Sainshand and Ulaanbaatar will be operational this week, while a road between Sainshand and Zamyn-Uud will open on October 20. Other road projects are proceeding according to plan. Nationwide, 2,900 km of road are under construction, 1,700 km of which will be operational before the end of the year. The total length of the new roads is 400 km greater than roads built in the last four years, proof of the improvement in completing development projects.

Deputy Minister of Construction and Urban Planning, G.Baigalmaa, reported that Canadian technology is being used for developing the capitals of provinces into cities, as well as soum development projects. Currently, Bayanlig and Buu Tsagaan soums of Bayankhongor Province are under development to become model cities. The Prime Minister visited the soums last week to check on the progress himself. The Deputy Minister said, “Six buildings earmarked for social services are under construction at Bayanlig soum and they will be operational on October 20, as the import of building materials from Canada has delayed progress.”

Deputy of the Ulaanbaatar City Mayor, N.Gantumur, reported on the progress of the “Street” project. Intersections in the 10thkhoroolol and on Workers’ Street opened last week. Out of 33 planned intersections, nine are already in service. Intersections at the 3rd and 4th khoroolol, Tasgany Ovoo, and Wrestler’s Palace will all open this week. All road repair projects throughout Ulaanbaatar will reportedly finish by September 15. But 5.5 km of road to Sonsgolon and a project to link the back road of 1st khoroolol to the intersection at the National Trauma and Orthopedic Research center might take a bit longer to complete.

The Prime Minister also said the road to the 22nd Checkpoint, which opened only a month ago, now has a pothole. The road was completed with 1.3 billion MNT in additional funds from the state, as the executor company, Berkh Zaraa, didn’t fully complete the project. Citizens demanded a quick repair of the road. The road’s guarantee period wasn’t discussed in detail before its execution, but from now on, all roads must be built with a three year guarantee. Executor companies will be responsible for any damages to the road within this period.

The Deputy Minister of Factory and Agriculture, Kh.Zoljargal, reported that harvesting has started nationwide and 1,600 tons of vegetables and 2,600 tons of potatoes have been harvested. Though there are 26 sales locations for domestic vegetables and fruits, they are insufficient to meet the demand of a large number of vegetable growers eager to make direct sales. Traders from the provinces are now selling their vegetables in shifts at the designated sales locations.

The Prime Minister also said, “When I was paying an official visit to Bayankhongor Province, governors of three soums met with me and requested financial backing for running diesel stations. Originally, solar and wind stations were established at these soums three or four years ago with a budget of 900 million MNT. But they became faulty and are no longer running.”

A list of companies that failed to complete their work on time after spending allocated funds is now being compiled, and will be announced publicly soon. This way, a standard of accountability will be set for future contractors.

Short URL: http://ubpost.mongolnews.mn/?p=5813

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