Political parties formally establish election campaign funds

The three political parties who have announced candidates for the Parliamentary Election today established their election campaign funds and announced the opening of their campaign accounts. As written in law, the Mongolian People`s Party, Democratic Party and Mongolian People`s Revolutionary Party announced their funds to the General Election Commission on May 27th.

According to the law on elections of Mongolia, a political party should establish an election campaign fund, open a bank account five days after registering a candidate to the General Election Commission and deliver written notice to the Commission.

A campaign fund is funded from a candidate`s own finances or by voluntary donations from supporters and well-wishers, organizations and the party assets and must be spent only via the bank account.

The spokesperson of the General Election Commission said that the fund money should be spent on the election campaign to demonstrate a candidate`s platform, promote the candidate to the public, arrange public meetings and events. It can also be spend on electioneerers` expenditure for travel, transport, post, communications and wages and bonus’ according to the law on the election of the President.

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