Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia /MONTSAME/ A financing of MNT 484 billion will be made for the health sector this year. This is higher by 2.3 times than the size of financing made in 2008. The size of investment also rose by 7.8 per cent against the year 2008 as well.

It was said Friday by the Prime Minister S.Batbold during holding a meeting with authorities of the Health Ministry. He noted that new buildings have been constructed for over 80 hospitals nationwide, and these hospitals have been provided with necessary medical equipment and facilities costing MNT 30 billion.


The Premier stressed that the size of investment given from the Fund for Health increased by ten times, and money from this fund will be spent for every person who have medical examination.

“Thanks to these comprehensive measures, the medical aid services and their qualities have improved. The life expectancy of Mongolians has risen as well. There are many positive indicators in reduction of the mortalities of mothers and infants, which are reflected in the Millennium Development Goals. These are outcomes of the collaboration with the medical sector,” the Premier said, and then underlined an importance of keep these achievements.

The Premier also mentioned that the cabinet has adopted over ten laws on the health sector including a draft amendment to the law on health and on medical equipment and facilities in last four years. “The government has been implementing about 30 national projects and programs,” he added.

In turn, authorities of health sector and medical doctors stressed that the “Healthy Child” national campaign initiated by the Prime Minister is a well-timed measure for rendering medical services to ill children. They thanked the Premier for making a decision to establish a national center of diagnosis and treatment to be erected in 2014 with a soft-loan from the Republic of Korea, and then also wanted the Premier to pay attention to intensifying realization of the related laws, national projects and programs, providing some hospitals with purpose-built houses, tackling social problems of medical workers, giving scholarships to resident doctors and involving them in training abroad.

The Premier promised to implement requests of the medical doctors, and then stressed the government will exploit benefits from the economic growth for the human development.


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