Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia /MONTSAME/ The Ambassador of China to Mongolia Wang Xiaolong has pointed out that the health sector is one of the important fields in the Mongolia-China cooperation.

He said it on Tuesday at a meeting with N.Khurelbaatar, Mongolia's Minister of Health. Congratulating N.Khurelbaatar on becoming the Minister of Health, Mr. Xiaolong has expressed satisfaction with an intensive development of the bilateral friendly relations, leading to a strategic level.

In turn, the Minister thanked for congratulation and said the Mongolia-China relations and cooperation are boosting in all spheres, especially in the health sector. He said a construction of a sports complex here with the Chinese non-refundable aid "was an expression of the successful cooperation in the health, physical culture and sports".

Mongolia decided to collaborate with China in electronic health sector, he added.

The ambassador said a success showed by Mongolia in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games "is an expression of the two countries' collaboration in the physical culture and sports". Then he said this collaboration can be forwarded and expressed a willingness of China to determine its directions.

The Minister requested the Ambassador to give support in organizing a visit of China's Minister of Health to Mongolia. Then, he said it is necessary to expand the directives reflected in the 2008-2012 Cooperation Plans between the Health Ministries and to forward the collaboration in the physical culture, sports and great construction.

The Ambassador promised to help Mongolian side with the above visit and said the countries can exchange experience in the physical culture and sports and jointly run trainings for athletes.

On Tuesday, the Minister met Mr. Ahmet Asym Arar, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey to Mongolia.

Mr. Arar congratulated N.Khurelbaatar on being appointed the Minister of Health, and underlined an importance of the health sector in the bilateral ties. He emphasized that signing of the 2011-2013 Cooperation Plan between the Health Ministries is an important legal document that determines the collaboration and cooperation tendencies at health sector.

The Minister thanked the Ambassador for congratulating, and mentioned about intensive development of the health sector cooperation between the countries. “…But some works reflected in these Cooperation Plan are running slowly,” the Minister said and asked the Ambassador to make clear a date of a visit of experts' group who are to conduct a research in Bayan-Olgii aimag's united hospital.

Promising to pay attention to organizing this research work, Mr. Arar said some works require longer time.

He said a research group is working here to study a possibility of opening a direct flight between Ulaanbaatar and Istanbul.

The same day, the Health Minister received a delegation led by Mr. Robert Schoellhammer, a country director of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for Mongolia.

Mr. Schoellhammer congratulated N.Khurelbaatar on appointment to the post of Health Minister, and underlined that the ADB and Mongolia have been cooperating fruitfully for over ten years at the health sector.

In turn, the Minister noted that the sides have co-implemented the #1 and #2 projects of the Health Sector Development Program (HSDP), and that the #3 and #4 projects are being realized now. He added that a preparation has been ensured for implementing the #5 project, and then underlined an importance of support and participation of the ADB Representative Office in these projects.

Then the sides shared views on tackling financial matter for establishing a model hospital of multiple aid service in the city's Songinokhairkhan district, which is one of the parts of #4 project.

Present at the meetings were N.Tumendemberel, acting State Secretary of the Health Ministry; S.Togsdelger, a head of the Ministry's Department of Regulation of Social Health Policy; S.Bolormaa and B.Khos-Erdene, experts of the foreign collaboration section.



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