Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia /MONTSAME/ The president and CEO of the Nature Conservancy (TNC), a US charitable environmental organization, Mr. Mark Tercek sent last week a congratulatory letter to the State Head of Mongolia on receiving the United Nation Champions of the Earth 2012 award of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

By his letter, Mr. Tercek congratulated the President on being awarded the UNEP's prize on behalf of all officials of the Nature Conservancy, and said he was glad that the UN Champions of the Earth went to the person who significantly contributed to the sustainable future of Mongolians.


“It is vital for you to support actions of the government and other organizations to keep the eco-system of pasture and steppe lands which are directly related to living of Mongolian people. Your leadership on educating the young generation in environment will be a good example for other countries,” Mr. Tercek said, adding that the TNC is proud of collaborating with the Mongolia's President and people. He hoped that the President of Mongolia will be a main supporter for the program in Mongolia on lawfully reducing the poisonous effects to environment.


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