9 claims to resign the Minister for Justice and Home Affairs Ts.Nyamdorj

Members of Parliament are calling for the resignation of the Minister of Justice and Home Affairs Ts. Nyamdorj after the arrest of former President N. Enkhbayar.

MPs Ch.Ulaan, O.Chuluunbat, D.Terbishdagva and Ts.Shinebayar delivered their request to the Speaker of the Parliament D.Demberel on April 16th.

The request states, “On April 12th to 13th , 2012, during the arrest operation of the former President of Mongolia N.Enkhbayar, the police officials disregarded their main duty to fight and prevent crime, to preserve social order and to provide peaceful livelihood of citizens, have severely breached the Constitution of Mongolia and triggered a criminal act of assaulting the full power of a Parliament Member, which is especially protected by the law. The Minister for Justice and Home Affairs Ts.Nyamdorj should carry the responsibility for this political and moral fault.”

An additional statement was issued by the Board of the Mongolian People’s Party (MPP) and the MPP group at the Parliament, “When performing an operation, law and supervision organizations are not allowed to illegally invade others’ property, where the official in charge of a violation of this category will meet coarse responsibility measures, we are making a request for the resignation the Minister for Justice and Home Affairs Ts.Nyamdorj from his position and thus we request you to resolve this matter in accordance with appropriate measures”. Parliament Members D.Zagdjav, Ch.Ulaan, R.Rash, D.Baldan-Ochir, D.Terbishdagva, Ts.Batbayar, O.Chuluunbat, Ts.Davaasuren and Ts.Shinebayar signed the request.

The statmens were made public at a press conference attended by Speaker of Parliament D.Demberel, Prime Minister, Head of the MMP S.Batbold, Secretary General U.Khurelsukh, and the Head of the MPP group in Parliament U.Enkhtuvshin.

The 27 members of the Democratic Party in Parliament have said that they support the request along with Civil Will Green Party members S.Oyun and D.Enkhbat.

D.Zagdjav: As person who heads the Ministry for Justice and Home Affairs, Ts.Nyamdorj should carry out political and moral responsibilities. Police officials should do their basic tasks. They should be provided with a professional leader. N.Enkhbayar was under the Special Protection of the State. He is not a serial offender; the police shouldn’t have treated him maliciously. First, they should have terminated his State Special Protection according to the law, without illegally breaking and entering his home.

R.Rash: Parliament should be responsible for adhering to its own legislations. The public witnessed first hand on several national TV channels what had happened. Even foreigners are shocked by the brutality of the incident. Every citizen, every institution should obey the law.

Ts.Davaasuren: The politics of Mongolia are now in a confusing situation. The wall of democracy is shaking. Politics are turning into an institution that serves only a certain group, not society. We should save democracy.

I was shocked by the act of assaulting a Parliament Member. I regret that Members of Parliament are failing to enjoy certain rights that are granted by the constitution. The Prime Minister, who is responsible with managing this issue, said casually that he was sleeping at the moment when N.Enkhbayar was being carried into custody. I have signed the request because I was hurt deeply.

Ch.Ulaan: The issue was submitted in order to implement the Board of the Mongolian People’s Party (MPP) and the MPP group at the Parliament’s request. I hope the issue will be solved soon. The MPP should be capable of delivering a responsible answer to the nation for this politically and morally faulty occurrence.

Even though the full power of a Parliament Member wasn’t assaulted, we would have made this statement. E.Amarbat, the head of the Independent Agency Against Corruption (IAAC) held talks with N.Enkhbayar in private room. But then, Deputy Chairman of the Investigation Agency came in and presented the warrant to arrest N.Enkhbayar.

We told him we had questions to ask. Then suddenly a military force broke into the house. Later the spokesman of the General Police Department stated through the media that plainclothes people who came to conduct the raid at N.Enkhbayar’s house were the officials from the Police Department. We all witnessed people in black masks, committing the violations, were all in casual clothes. Their statement doesn’t match the reality. We will make this clear. We will demand to take appropriate measurements on those people who broke the law.

O.Chuluunbat: I came at the scene in terms of morality. And it was right that I was present at the moment of arrest. It is not political action. Ts.Nyamdorj is a Minister who is working in the Government from our party, the MPP. We are demanding Ts.Nyamdorj resign, because we want justice in the MPP and we want fair politics. I think DP members will support us.

D.Baldan-Ochir: The establishment of democracy, liberty and a humanitarian democratic society is our joint creation. I am one of the people who approved the Constitution. The MPP should provide a guarantee of democracy. This action made me feel scared, this illegal brutal, violation made our humble nation think about many things.

D.Terbishdagva: Rather than talk about the full powers of the MPs who were at the incident, we should focus on nation’s rights. Innocent people, who lived above N.Enkhbayar’s apartment were beaten up. Isn’t this a violation of human rights? It should this case should be careful investigated, as laws such as the Law of Parliament and the State Special Protection were breached. Mongolia has rich reserves of natural resources.

In such countries with rich natural resources, business killers work to make profits by making conflicts among politicians. Steps should be taken against Ts.Nyamdorj, who stood by and did nothing to rectify the situation.

Ts.Tsengel: I didn’t sign the request, however I do not condone this brutal operation. I supported the request because I consider that Ts.Nyamdorj who is in charge of this area, should carry the blame.

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