Cabinet meeting was held

The Cabinet meeting was held on Wednesday and the Government discussed about solving faced problems in Umnugobi.

The “Erdenes Tavantolgoi” company was ordered to complete a technical-economic justification of a power station to be erected on the Tavan tolgoi coal deposit and to begin the construction in the second quarter of the next year. The “Oyu tolgoi” company was given an obligation to construct a new power station to provide the Oyu tolgoi mine with electricity.

In accordance with specific terms, the expense for the power station will not influence the OT project, and coal will be supplied from the TT deposit. The resolution also reflects some measures for protection against soil erosion and dustiness. The cabinet decided to ensure that water resource for the mining and infrastructure development in the aimag arte reliable. Related Minister and heads of agencies and a governor of Umnugobi were given obligations to conduct a hydro geological search and to set a size of the water resource. Pursuant to the law on concession, a renovation at the Gashuunsukhait and Shiveekhuren border checkpoints will begin in first quarter of 2012. A master plan for the “Sainshand” industrial complex will be drawn up soon as well.

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