Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia /MONTSAME/ On Wednesday, the cabinet discussed results of a state visit of the State Head paid from March 28 to April 1 to the Federal Republic of Germany, and decided to submit them to the National Security Council (NSC). The government considers that this visit contributed to establishing of the strategic partnership between the two countries.

- The cabinet also discussed results of the State Head's official visit paid to Kyrgyzstan on April 3-6, and decided to submit them to the NSC. The two countries agreed to expand the cooperation in the politics, trade, economics and humanitarian sectors and to enrich the ties with new contents.

- The cabinet discussed draft amendments to the laws on co-operative and on special fund of the government, and then decided to submit them to parliament, with proposals of some Ministers. In addition, the cabinet backed draft amendments to the laws on medicine and medical facilities, and on exemption of the stamp tax. 

These drafts will be submitted to parliament.

- The cabinet discussed an implementation course of the “Food safety” national program and a draft of its recommendation. In a scope of the program, 87 measures have been planned within four priorities and 13 goals. As of present, 65 per cent of these measures have been done.

- In the first quarter of this year, the cabinet received 396 opinions, complaint letters, requests, 290 of them have been sent to related organizations, 79 issues are being solved.

- The cabinet got acquainted with an issue of a special license of the “Ovoot tolgoi” mineral deposit.

- A decision was made to establish a vocational training center at the General Authority for Implementing Court Decisions. Related Ministers have been ordered to tackle its financial matters.



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