Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, /MONTSAME/ The cabinet at its regular meeting on
Wednesday supported drafts on amending the law on small and middle
enterprises, on government's special fund, on purchasing goods, jobs and
services with the state and regional property.

It has been decided to
submit them to parliament for consideration.

- A suggestion was also supported to amend the draft law on control
over some dangerous goods and products, which have a strategic
importance, and other related to it laws. The matter will be introduced
to parliament.

- Initiated by Ya.Batsuuri MP draft on amending the laws on social insurance and on Labor were not supported.

The cabinet considers that a clause in the draft "a 2-3 per cent of any
entity's staff must be women above 35 years and men above 40 years"
breaches the law on Labor, especially a clause "in the labor relations
there is no discrimination due to gender, age...".

- Initiated by A.Tleikhan and Ts.Tsengel draft on amending the law on
Energy was considered. The cabinet will send own suggestions to the

- The cabinet backed a draft program on the Mongolia-Bulgaria
intergovernmental cooperation in the fields of education, culture and
science for 2012-2016. A right has been given to Ts.Gankhuyag, the
Ambassador of Mongolia to Bulgaria to sign this program.

- A head of the Cabinet Secretariat of Government Ch.Khurelbaatar gave a
report to the cabinet on governmental activities done in February of
2012. As the report says, the cabinet met nine times, discussing 52
issues and getting acquainted with 14 matters. Related resolutions and
decisions have been made.

- The cabinet backed a parliamentary resolution and draft policy on
state policy of proper employment, and then decided to submit the
resolution to parliament.

- A draft protocol was backed by the cabinet on establishing the
Mongolia-Kyrgyzstan intergovernmental commission on the trade,
economics, science, techniques and cultural cooperation. A right of
signing the protocol will be granted to a related official.



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