Commission on rehabilitation of politically repressed reports

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, /MONTSAME/ Head of the State Commission on Management and Organization of the Rehabilitation of Politically Repressed (CMORPR), Vice Speaker N.Enkhbold gave a report Monday on works done by the commission since its establishment in 1990. This meeting was also a ceremony to close the commission's 20th anniversary actions.

"Many measures have been taken in frames of the anniversary, for example, we have concluded the previous times' work, organized a scientific conference about the political frame-up and its victims, held a meeting with their families," he has said.


The commission has been giving legal advice to citizens and helping them find and arrange necessary documents, he went on. "As of today, some 26 thousand victims of the frame-up have been acquitted, and their reputation have been rehabilitated," N.Enkhbold has stressed. Money compensation and apartments have been granted to the victims' families and to the repressed alive.

"Now we must deliver to people historical truth about the political repression and to explain a situation of that time, and we think that it will help a history not to repeat itself," N.Enkhbold has said.

The rehabilitation has gone into a final stage. It is expected that some five thousand victims' dossiers kept in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) will be fully considered by the end of 2011, besides, cases of about 20 people will be brought to Mongolia from Russia.

The Standing committee on state structure proposed to accord the compensations' volume with the present times because a one million togrog sum, given to the repressed or his/her close relatives, was approved in 1990. A final decision is to be made by parliament whether to increase the size.

For the time being, some MNT 18 billion has been spent for the rehabilitation, and apartments have been given to some families of the victims.


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