MPP calls for a demonstration

MPP candidates in parliamentary election for Uvurkhangai aimag are in a dispute over the newly elected MPs taking their oath. MPP calls for a demonstration to be held on November 29th. According to a law about elections, the sub-electoral commissions must submit a decree based on the Court’s decision.

The Election General Committee reached a decision to have DP candidates in Uvurkhangai aimag, G.Batkhuu and M.Zorigt, swear their oaths according to the Court decision based on the sub-electoral commissions.

But MPP candidates N.Tumurkhuu and S.Chinzorig are opposed to the Election General Committee`s decision to have the DP candidates take their oaths.

The MPs from the MPP in parliament held a sit-in strike in the State Palace and supporters of MPP also demonstrated on central square by singing “Song of the Bell”-the symbolic song of the democratic transition in the late 1980s.

As a result parliament postponed the candidates` oath-taking as MPs. But MPP is still calling for a demonstration again.

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