Mongolia Brief April 30, 2014

L.Bold Meets with Estonian Counterpart

April 30 (MONTSAME) In a scope of an official visit to Estonia, the Minister of
Foreign Affairs L.Bold Tuesday met with his Estonian counterpart Mr Urmas Paet.

At the meeting,
the sides inked the visa waiving inter-governmental agreement Mongolia and
Estonia. After this, the FM L.Bold visited the “Mektory” business center, a new
initiation of the Tallinn University of Technology and participated in an
opening ceremony of Mongolian painting and sculpture exhibition at the

During his
visit, the FM L.Bold will be received by Mr Eiki Nestor, the president of
Estonian Parliament /Riigikogu/ and also visit the Estonian ICT Demo Center to
study experiences.

Delegation Participates in Congress of Asian Constitutional Courts and
Equivalent Institutions

April 30 (MONTSAME) A delegation led by J.Amarsanaa, the Chairman of the
Constitutional Court of Mongolia, participated in the second Congress of the
Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions on April 28-30.

Our delegation
team consisted of member of the Constitutional Court D.Ganzorig, analyst R.Anar
and interpreter P.Amar.

At the action,
the Academician J.Amarsanaa delivered a lecture themed “Relations between the
Constitutional Court and Parliament, its present situation and ways to
resolve”, and the discussion on related matters ran among the participants.

During the
conference, the Academician J.Amarsanaa met with delegates of Turkey, Russia,
North Korea, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Malaysia as well as Nepal, Tajikistan and
the European Union /EU/ to exchange views on bilateral cooperation and the
matters relating to strengthening and protecting rules of law, human rights and

At the end of
the meeting, the participants joined in the three-point Istanbul Declaration.

Deputy Premier Meets Pupils

April 30 (MONTSAME) The First Deputy Prime Minister D.Terbishdagva Tuesday
hosted a forum of graduate pupils from secondary schools of the city’s
Songinokhairkhan district. This forum is held in frames of the traditional
campaign called “Let’s see off our 11th spring” by the First Deputy

made the opening remarks at the forum with a motto “Disciplined Mongolia shall
lead the world”, saying that finishing the secondary school is very important
for pupils to begin a new step in their life. He highlighted that graduate
students always must develop themselves by reading many books and learning
foreign languages, and then spoke some lessons about making independent
decisions. “You pupils should absorb in your mind ideology of being proud of
motherland and conserving the earth,” he said.

In frames of
the campaign, several contests such as essay writing contest titled “My role in
a development of district”, a Mongolian language Olympiad and a basketball
competition among pupils and teachers took place.

At the forum, a
head of the “Magnet of intelligence” NGO P.Buyandelger delivered a report
themed “Welcome to life!”; and a teacher of the “Otgontenger” university
U.Amarbat--a report titled “Psychology for success”.

Deliver Presentation at UN Meeting in Geneva

April 30 (MONTSAME) Mongolian representatives are attending the sixth session
of Investment, Enterprise and Development Commission of   the United
Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Geneva, Switzerland
from April 28 to May 2.

Investment Policy Review of Mongolia was discussed at the intergovernmental
level during the sixth Session of the Commission on Investment, Enterprise
and Development. The Government of Mongolia was represented by a high-level
delegation headed by Mr Ochirbat Chuluunbat, Vice Minister of Economic
Development, and Mr Javkhlanbaatar Sereeter, Director General of Invest
Mongolia Agency.

The Commission
provides the opportunity for member States and investment and development
stakeholders to discuss key and emerging issues in the area of investment and
enterprise and their implications for sustainable development, as well as
policy solutions.

This year's
session will address two main themes: Entrepreneurship and productive
capacity-building and Technology and innovation for inclusive development.

A high-level
panel has been convened on the first day of the Commission to discuss how to
create jobs through enterprise development. Under the same agenda item,
policymakers, investment promotion agencies and private sector representatives
were given the opportunity to exchange concrete experiences and views during
the second day of the Commission devoted to the presentation, at the
ministerial level, of the Investment Policy Reviews of Bangladesh, Mongolia and
the Republic of Moldova.

Meets Estonian President

April 30 (MONTSAME) Foreign Minister L.Bold is paying an official visit to
Estonia these days.

During his
visit, Minister L.Bold met with the President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves,
held official negotiations with his Estonian counterpart Urmas Paet, and met
Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications Urve Palo.

At the
meetings, Mongolia expressed its willingness to study Estonia’s experience in
developing e-governance and opportunities for cooperating in the shale
processing industry. The Estonian side expressed its readiness to share its

release: Best suppliers win the Gobi Gem awards

Mongolia – April 29 (Oyu Tolgoi) Oyu Tolgoi LLC today recognised and
celebrated the success of its best Mongolian suppliers. The fifth Gobi Gem -
Supplier Recognition Awards ceremony took place at the National Opera and
Ballet Theatre in Ulaanbaatar with nine companies named as Oyu Tolgoi’s best

Last year, Oyu
Tolgoi commenced shipments of copper concentrate, establishing a new brand of
Mongolian mining product and becoming a leading national operating business.
This success is rightly shared with Oyu Tolgoi’s suppliers, some of whom have
been working on the project us for nine years.

In 2013, Oyu
Tolgoi LLC spent US$538.1 million on procurement in Mongolia which constitutes
almost 76 per cent of total procurement. We are proud that our national
suppliers have created a total of 35,000 jobs. Last year, we worked with a
total of 949 national suppliers.

During the
supplier recognition ceremony, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Oyu Tolgoi
LLC G.Batsukh said: “All of you have every right to feel proud since in
addition to suppliying goods and services you have learned and introduced to
Mongolia the very best of international standards of quality, safety and labour
relations. This is one example of the real benefits of working with Oyu Tolgoi
and the benefits of living in Mongolia, learning in Mongolia and creating value
in Mongolia.”

CEO of Khasu Megawatt, the winner of the Grand Prix award said: “Our company
started as an energy company and our operations tended to be seasonal in
nature. After we started working with Oyu Tolgoi, we switched to permanent
operations. Our hard-working staff have been meeting international standards of
performance which in my view helped form a long-term relationship with Oyu
Tolgoi. Also, through Oyu Tolgoi, we worked with a sewing company, Gobi Uran
Shaglaa LLC from Umnugovi aimag to order work uniforms for our employees at the
mine site. In future, we plan to use them for uniforms for our employees
working in other industries as well. I think it is right for Mongolian
companies to support each other.”

The Gobi Gem
awards celebrate the success of suppliers in the following nine categories.

Best supplier
for safety performance - Bambai LLC,

Best new
supplier– Khangurd LLC,

Best supplier
(Khanbogd) – Uguumuur Gaviluud,

Best new
supplier (Umnugobi) – Buyant Galba LLC,

Best supplier
(Umnugobi) – Goviin Anir LLC,

Best supplier
for employee development performance – Major Drilling LLC,

Best supplier
for social responsibility performance – Mekhlopat LLC,

Best supplier
for supply chain improvement - SLS Bearings LLC.

The Grand Prix
award was won by Khasu Megawatt LLC.

Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) and community relations manager of Major
Drilling LLC said: “Our company complies with Oyu Tolgoi’s six life saving
rules as well as following our own 10 safety rules based on the specifics of
our operations. We are working to put these rules into a manual in order to
make it a daily routine in our work. We use environmentally friendly substances
and tools in our drilling. Young workers from Major Drilling also performed a
world record drilling attempt at the Oyu Tolgoi mine”.

Oyu Tolgoi’s
procurement principles of openness, transparency and cost efficiency are
contributing to the growth and competitiveness of national and Umnugovi
suppliers. We also continue to fulfill our commitment to strengthen South Gobi
businesses. For example, in 2010 we procured only US$0.5 million worth of goods
and services from South Gobi suppliers which in 2013 this figure rose to US$9.1
million, and in 2014 we are planning to increase this even further to US$32
million. We all should feel proud that Oyu Tolgoi LLC managed to create an
independent and internationally competitive national supplier network which can
contribute in a reliable, sustainable and efficient manner to Mongolia’s
economic growth. Our sincere congratulations go to winners of Oyu Tolgoi LLC
supplier recognition awards.

in Mongolia Can Now Lodge Complaints with United Nations

April 30 (MONTSAME) At this year’s first regular meeting, Mongolia’s Child
Rights Group, comprised of UNICEF, World Vision Mongolia, Save the Children and
other organisations, expressed their appreciation to the Government of Mongolia
for signing the Third Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of
the Child (CRC), and their confidence that the Government will make efforts to
ratify this important legal instrument, said on April 23.

The Third
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on a
Communications Procedure entered into force on 14 April 2014, after the
required 10 countries ratified it. In countries where the new protocol has been
ratified, children and their representatives can submit their complaints about
violations of children's rights to the expert Committee on the Rights of the
Child, if they have exhausted all legal avenues in the country.

Mongolia, one
of the first countries to sign and ratify the Convention on the Rights of the
Child in July 1990 and signed the Third Optional Protocol in October 2013. It
has ratified its previous two optional protocols on the Sale of Children, Child
Prostitution and Child Pornography and on the involvement of children in Armed
Conflict in 2003 and 2004 respectively.

 “The new
optional protocol gives children a legal voice, opening a new era for
children’s rights as we mark the 25th anniversary of the Convention on the
Rights of the Child in November this year,” said the members of the Child
Rights Group.

Under the Third
Optional Protocol, the state parties have an obligation to make complaint
mechanisms accessible for all children, with special efforts directed at those
most vulnerable to rights violations, especially excluded and marginalised
children, such as children with disabilities, indigenous and minority children.

The Group drew
particular attention to the millions of children who are silent and invisible
victims of violence and abuse across the globe. In the context of Mongolia,
despite all the achievements, issues of violence against children still remain.
While acknowledging the achievements of the Government of Mongolia, the Child
Rights Group recognized that much work remains to be done, as children’s rights
continue to be violated on a daily basis, including through violence,
exploitation and abuse.

The Child
Rights Group expressed their readiness to support the Government of Mongolia to
accelerate the process towards the ratification of the Optional Protocol hoping
that this new Optional Protocol will soon reach universal ratification. This
will ensure that Mongolia complies with their obligations and face any scrutiny
concerning individual allegations of child rights violations that may emerge.

to support Chinas Infrastructure Investment Bank

April 30
( Prime Minister of Mongolia N.Altankhuyag received the Finance
Minister of China Lou Jiwei on Monday April 29th.

At the start of
the meeting, Prime Minister N.Altankhuyag applauded the progress made so far in
bilateral financial and economic cooperation as a result of the large project
launched after the visit by the head of the Government of Mongolia to China in

Prime Minister
N.Altankhuyag continued to say that he is satisfied with the successful
agreements and Memorandum of Understanding on mutually beneficial trade and
financial cooperation signed during this visit by China`s Finance Minister Lou
Jiwei to Mongolia.

At the meeting
China`s Finance Minister Lou Jiwei expressed thanks to Prime Minister
N.Altankhuyag for approving to establish the Asian Infrastructure Investment
Bank in Mongolia that was initiated by China`s Chairman Xi Jinping.

The Government
of Mongolia decided to support China`s initiation to encourage infrastructure
development establishing the bank in Mongolia as it thinks infrastructure
development is essential for economic cooperation of landlocked countries.

In the scope of
the bilateral financial cooperation, Mongolian and Chinese central banks agreed
on a currency swap arrangement. The currency swap agreement, which plays an
important role facilitating bilateral trade and investment and maintaining
financial stability, expired last March. It now needs to be renewed as well as
adding an increase to the amount of the bilateral swap.

Minister Lou
Jiwei as China`s Finance Minister asked for Prime Minister N.Altankhuyag`s
support and attention to solve the issue as soon as possible.

At the meeting,
talks were also held on bilateral financial and economic conditions and
measures that are being taken.

Tavan Tolgoi Press Release on Chalco Agreement

April 30
( Despite the down cycle of the coal market, ETT
operations are continuing and the company is performing its duties before its
contractors and partners. Also, it is increasing its production and export
volume every year.

However, number
of politicians spreading false accusations regarding our ETT’s operations and
the Agreement with Chalco Trading Hong Kong Limited that has been established
in July of 2011. For example, MP L.Enkh-Amgalan stated without any concrete
basis that ETT worsened the Agreement by decreasing the sale price from USD70
to USD38. This creates misunderstanding among public. The base USD70 price was
USD20 lower than the market price. In addition, the agreement stated that the
price will be established seasonally based on the index price of 4 exchanges
located in People’s Republic of China. Coal price dropped continuously after
the establishment of the agreement by 40% comparing to 2012 and 2013.

Without the
changes in the agreement mentioned above, ETT would be losing USD10 every ton.
Therefore, ETT stopped its sales to Chalco in accordance with the Board of
Directors’ decision and entered into a difficult negotiation with the company. During
the negotiation sides understood each other’s mutual interest and because of
the change in pricing mechanism ETT prevented a loss of MNT17 billion.

In 2013 ETT
commenced production in West Tsankhi marketed 30% of 2.5 million tons with
profit. Moreover, production cost has been decreased by establishing customs
area in East Tsankhi enabled the transportation go directly to Chinese Gants
Mod port. It allowed us to market coal USD60-65 per ton. It contributed to
decreasing transportation cost and increasing export volume. In regards to
these reasons ETT made MNT28.8 real profits from its operations.

We would like
to caution that misstatements about Chalco Agreement will cause confusion among
public and disrupt our relationship with our partner.

Erdenes Tavan
Tolgoi JSC


Stars’ Miracle” Circus in Ulaanbaatar

April 30
( Upon the invitation of Mongolian National Circus commonly
referred as to ASA Circus, the only famed in the world - dwarf circus will be
performing a "Little Stars' Miracle" in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from
May 25 to June 01, 2014.

This time, a
team of 35 actors will be enjoying spectators, besides more than 20 animals
including bear, dogs, sheep and goats are also to stage together with Mongolian
circus actors. 

About 20 years
ago from now, talented dwarf artists first performed in Ulaanbaatar.

Security Council of Mongolia to Announce Chinggis Bonds Expenditure on May 06,

April 30
( At its regular meeting of the National Security Council of
Mongolia (NSC) held on April 30, 2014, NSC members revised the Government’s
expenditure of the fund sourced from "Chinggis" bonds.

On December 03,
2012, Government issued a comprehensive list of the recommendations to
implement on “Chinggis” bonds, consequently, the NSC resolved at today’s
meeting to introduce officially the bonds’ expenditure, balance report,
repayment sources and schedules at its next meeting dated on May 06, 2014.

Business Cooperation Council Established

April 30
( On April 29, 2014, Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce
and Industry (MNCCI) announced a “Mongolia-China Business Cooperation Council”
is established. The new Council aims to support Mongolian entrepreneurs, expand
businesses and protect its rights, besides to support bilateral organizations
and partner enterprises’ activities.

The Council
consists of nine Board Members and MP S.Byambatsogt is promoted as the President
of Mongolia-China Business Cooperation Council.

Chairman of
MNCCI, MP S.Demberel noted, “Mongolia and China entrepreneurs should have an
equal terms, but such body was not formed to date in order to regulate
intercommunications. In order to adhere the foreign policy of Mongolia as a
priority, the economic mechanism was necessary, thus it was decided to
establish the Council. Today, Russia-Mongolia-China, a trilateral neighboring
relation is followed in our country and furthermore Russia-Mongolia and
China-Mongolia Business Cooperation Councils should interoperate”.

The Council is
free from any governmental organ and shall have a private and independent
status, but will follow decisions issued from the intergovernmental commission
regarding business areas. In the frameworks of implementations, the Council is
obliged to develop and deepen bilateral trade and economy, and help to promote
and acclimatize Mongolian businesses on China market, moreover to interlink
Mongolian enterprises with China governmental and non-governmental
organizations under mutual beneficial cooperation and equal terms.


Security Council’s Regular Meeting Held

April 30 (MONTSAME)The National Security Council (NSC) held on Tuesday a
regular meeting and discussed issues related to the Genggis Bonds of the
Mongolian Government.

At the meeting,
NSC members decided to make an introduction on the implementation of their
recommendation on the Genggis Bonds at the regular meeting on May 6.

Representative of Mongolia to UN Makes Statement on Nuclear Disarmament

April 30
( The Preparatory Committee for the 2015 Review Conference of
the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) is
holding its third session at the United Nations Office in New York from April
28 to May 09, 2014.

This meeting is
the third of three sessions prior to the 2015 Review Conference that aims to
prepare for the Review Conference in terms of assessing the implementation of
each article of the NPT and facilitating discussion among States with a view to
making recommendations to the Review Conference.

On April 28,
2014, Permanent Representative of Mongolia to UN, Mr. Od OCH made a statement
noting important initiatives and developments that seek to address the security
challenges of our times, including the Conference on humanitarian impact of
nuclear weapons held last February in Mexico, as well as the Nuclear Security
Summit held in Hague.

Mr. O.Och said
that Mongolia is confident that establishment of September 26 as an
International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapon will definitely
promote accountability for disarmament obligations and absolutely enhance
public awareness and education on the threat posed by nuclear weapons to
humanity and necessity for their total elimination.

Saying that
Mongolia is pursuing its efforts and contribution to this cause, through
advancement of its NWF status and support of nuclear-weapons-free zones, Mr.
O.Och noted that last September, during the High-Level Meeting of the UN
General Assembly on Nuclear Disarmament, the President of Mongolia proposed to
undertake a second comprehensive study on the establishment NWFZs in all its
aspects and expressed hope that the parties to the treaty would provide broader

As of July
2011, 189 states are recognized as parties to the treaty and Mongolia was
ratified on May 14, 1969.


Governor Meets with UNDP Deputy Resident Representative

April 30 (MONTSAME) The governor of eastern Dornogobi province P.Gankhuyag has
received Mr Thomas Erikkson, the Deputy Resident Representative of the UN
Development Program /UNDP/.

The sides
talked matters relating to local governance improvement, protection development
of special protected areas, and viable projects and programs in the country.

After this, the
UNDP staffers ran training for local members of the Citizens' Representative

Grant Mortgage Loans to 18,339

April 30 (MONTSAME) Commercial banks of Mongolia have received so far
re-financing requests for low interest mortgage loans totaling 846.3 billion

commencing the annual 8% mortgage program last June, the banks have received
requests to refund already awarded housing loans of 846.3 billion togrog, which
have been delivered under the Government program to stabilize the mortgage
system of the nation. Refunding requests for the loans totaling 518.7 billion
from 18 thousand 166 citizens have been approved by the commercial banks. 

During the same
period, the commercial banks have received low interest mortgage loan
applications totaling one trillion togrog. After a careful consideration over
the new requests, the banks decided to grant mortgage totaling one trillion 25.8
billion togrog to 18 thousand 339 applicants.

Agency Chief Works at ‘11 11’ Center

April 30 (MONTSAME) A chief of the Immigration Agency B.Purevdorj worked in the
‘11 11’ center of the Government on Wednesday.

Amid an
interview with an officer of the center, Mr Purevdorj explained ongoing reforms
in this sector that include changes in the agency’s name, structure and
actions, establishment of an united database for border passes, and cooperation
with diplomatic representatives of Mongolia in foreign countries.

Mongolians travel to over 200 countries around the globe, he said. The Foreign
Ministry of Mongolia is now able to inform on visa duration and other related
issues to make fellow citizens abroad aware of in time.

Scouts to Gather

April 30 (MONTSAME) The Scout Association of Mongolia is planning to organize
the fifth National Jamboree in Eco Scout camp at Tov province on this July 2-8.

This annual
measure will bring together more than 1500 scouts of Mongolia and also from
countries of the USA, England, Denmark, Hong-Kong, Norway and Taiwan.

During the
event, the participants will be involved in many kinds of sport and cognitive
activities and will learn many new abilities as well as will become friends
with international scouts.

Organizers say,
Mongolian traditional games will be particularly promoted at the action under a
motto of “Let's join and participate for good deed”.

In Scouting, a
jamboree is a large gathering Scouts who rally at a national or international

Schools Get Lift-Equipped Buses

April 30 (MONTSAME) UB city's special schools acquired lift-equipped buses for
children with disabilities on Wednesday.

A sum of 700
million togrogs was covered from the State Fund and the Ministry of Education
and Science supplied these buses to schools needed.

The measure was
attended by L.Gantomor, the Minister of Education and Science.

Young Wrestlers to Head for Thailand

April 30 (MONTSAME) Mongolian young wrestlers are planning to compete at Asian
Cadet free-style wrestling championships in Chon Buri province of Thailand on
May 8-11.

championships will be held in three categories of boys’ freestyle, boys’
Greco-Roman and girls freestyle. Champions of 46 kg, 54 kg, 63 kg, 76 kg and
100 kg of boys’ tournaments, and of 46 kg, 52 kg, 60 kg and 70 kg of girls’
tournaments will be awarded with rights to compete at the Nanjing 2014 Youth
Olympics on August 16-28.

Employee Number Reaches 20 Thousand

April 30 (MONTSAME) The number of people working in the mining sector of
Mongolia has reached to 20.4 thousand in the last month, showing a 13% increase
compared to the same period of previous year, says the National Statistical

A 46% of all
mining workers are provided with employment in metal ore production, while
40.7% of them are engaged with coal exploration, and 5.5% are employed in oil
production. The statistics show a 52% increase in the oil sector employment,
and 8% in the coal sector.

Theater to Stage ‘Sorry, Wrong Number’ by Lucille Fletcher

April 30 (MONTSAME) Within its ongoing playlets project, the Drama Theater is
planning to stage ‘Sorry, Wrong Number’ play written by Lucille Fletcher
commencing from this Wednesday.

The play
follows ‘the Crow Grove’ by A.Vampilov and Lullaby by N.Gankhuyag to become the
third play to be staged within this project at which seven Mongolian directors
will stage less-known or not-staged-before plays, including also ‘the Open
Couple’ by Dario Fo and ‘Mannequin’ by Nikolai Kolyada.

Sorry, Wrong
Number tells the story of a woman who overhears a murder plot.

and Ballet Theater Releases May Program

April 30 (MONTSAME) In this May, the Opera and Ballet Theater is planning to
present a rich-as-usual program to their audiences.

Its May program
will open on May 3 with ‘Il trovatore’ (the Troubadour) opera in four acts by
Giuseppe Verdi, which began a victorious march throughout the operatic world
since its premiere in 1853, a success due to Verdi's work over the previous
three years. Il trovatore will be staged again on May 10.

On May 4, the
Theater will stage two ballets - ‘Francesca da Rimini’ by Pyotr Ilyich
Tchaikovsky and ‘Girls of Jewels’ by Z.Khangal. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's
symphonic poem Francesca da Rimini: Symphonic Fantasy after Dante, Op. 32, was
composed in less than three weeks during his visit to Bayreuth in the autumn of
1876. It is dedicated to his friend and former pupil Sergei Taneyev. In this
fantasia, Tchaikovsky presents a symphonic interpretation of the tragic tale of
Francesca da Rimini, a beauty who was immortalized in Dante's Divine Comedy.
These two ballets will close the monthly program on May 30.

The program
also includes another ballet by Tchaikovsky -Swan Lake- to be performed on May
11 and 18.Swan Lake is a ballet composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in
1875–1876. The scenario, initially in four acts, was fashioned from Russian
folk tales and tells the story of Odette, a princess turned into a swan by an
evil sorcerer's curse. The choreographer of the original production was Julius
Reisinger. The ballet was premiered by the Bolshoi Ballet on 4 March 1877
the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow.

In this May,
opera enthusiasts may see two other operas in the theater –Don Giovanni by
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart on May 17, and Madama Butterfly by Giacomo Puccini on
May 24-25. Don Giovanni is an opera in two acts with music by Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart and Italian libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte. It is based on the legends of
Don Juan, a fictional libertine and seducer. A staple of the standard operatic
repertoire, Don Giovanni is currently tenth on the Operabase list of the
most-performed operas worldwide. It has also proved a fruitful subject for
writers and philosophers.

Exhibition to Open in Red Ger Art Gallery

April 30 (MONTSAME) A “Red Ger” Art Gallery of the Mongolian Art Council is to
display a new exhibition themed “Flow” by a young artist E.Enkhzaya on May 1.

Young painter
Enkhzaya said, she intended to describe human inner world, close relationship between
mankind and nature as well as unification power by her works.

viewers will enjoy video and installation arts works of young artist.

This exhibition
will be on public show until May 12.

Student Becomes Winner at College Television Awards

April 30 (MONTSAME) The USA-based Mongolian student N.Monkhtsetseg took the
third place prize from the College Television Awards, last week.

This year's
College Television Awards were held at the Television Academy's Leonard H.
Goldenson Theatre on April 23.

Monkhtsetseg worked on “I'm possible” animation as a producer and received this
award in animation category.

She received
winner cup from famous actor Bob Bergen, known as the voice of “Porky Pig” and

Currently, Monkhtsetseg
is studying at Savannah College of Art and Design.

on Alcohol control legislation

April 30
( In the scope of a campaign to renew “Alcohol beverage control law”
draft law, there will be a discussion among medical specialists and staff in
the Civil hall at the Government house at 14.00 pm today on April 30th.

The discussion
will cover endurances that might arise when the law is practiced and
problematic issues and definite suggestion from the discussion will be
reflected in the law.

L.Erdenechimeg will deliver an opening speech and   and health
specialist of Ministry of Health B.Byambatogtokh will give speech on “Alcohol
consumption and health outcomes” and Legal policy expert of Ministry of Justice
N.Bat-Erdene will give presentation on renewed draft of “Alcohol beverage
control law”.

of non-violence against children

April 30
( Today, April 30th is observed as the day of non-violence against
children; no-hitting, no-smacking, no spanking of children.

The day of
non-violence against children has been marked for the 9th year in Mongolia
with the support of the Save the Children Fund along with public attendance.
This is a call for good behavior to deal with children.

studies prove that abused children eventually become abusers themselves.

The day of non-violence
against children was initiated in the US in 1998 to give widespread attention
to the need to end corporal punishment of children and the day has been marked
in other countries since 2001.

In Mongolia,
for the first time in 2006, the day of non-violence against children was
observed, initiated by Save the Children who organized a number of campaigns
targeted to stop violent punishment of children.

In 2006, over
20 amendments were made to the Law on Education of Mongolia relating to
children's rights and child protection measures with a key role being played by
Save the Children.

This year, the
“campaign against child punishment” by Save the Children is being launched at
58 kindergartens in Ulaanbaatar city and 30 sums in Arkhangai, Uvurkhangai,
Dornod, and Sukhbaatar aimags.

Media and local
televisions in 21 aimags and 9 districts in the City, Mongolian Children`s
Palace, Urguu and Tengis cinemas also joined the campaign calling for public
awareness broadcasting adverts for non-violence against children.

10 Albums of Week: April 21-27, 2014

April 30
( The "Hi-Fi Records" music chain store releases the
Top 10 best selling albums on weekly basis. Below the chart list of albums led
on April 21-27, 2014.

Top 10 albums of the week: April 21-27,

1. “Mungun
Shunu” (Silver Night) by UBS TV (Top participants of the "Universe Best
Songs" Contests) - 10,000 MNT (Tugrug)

2. “Namuun
Baigali” (Quite Nature) - 18,000 MNT

“Mongolchuudyn Tsakhim Tuukh” (E-History of Mongols) by historian D.Ulziibaatar
- 4,000 MNT

"Geeometry" by rapper Gee - 10,000 MNT

5. “Mongol
Kinony Duu” (Songs of Mongolian Movies) by UBS TV - 18,000 MNT

6. “Mongol Eej”
(Songs dedicated to Mongolian Mothers) by Kh.Lkhagvasuren, lead singer of
“Kharanga” group - 20,000 MNT

"2014" by “Kiwi” - 15,000 MNT

8. “Burkhan
Khaldun” by music composer N.Jantsannorov - 23,000 MNT

9. “Chi Mini
Baigaa Bolokhoor” (Because You Are) DVD by D.Otgonbayar, lead singer of “Khurd”
group - 30,000 MNT

10. “Sodon
Ayalguu” (Unique Melodies) by Ts.Chuluunbat, music composer, singer and
guitarist of “Kharanga” group - 30,000 MNT

Minister Introduces “100 Days to Strengthen Economy” Plan-Project to Foreign
Representatives in Mongolia

April 30
( On April 30, 2014, Prime Minister of Mongolia, Mr. Norov
ALTANKHUYAG hosted a roundtable meeting among representatives of Diplomatic
Offices, International Organizations and foreign resident correspondents in
Mongolia introducing his initiated the "100 Days to Strengthen
Economy" program, which was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In his
statement Premier N.Altankhuyag noted, “The New Government for Changes
submitted the “100 Days to Strengthen Economy" plan-project, which is
being under discussion at the State Great Khural (Parliament) these days.
Within the scope of the project, over 50 jobs in 5 directories will be
intensively implemented with 100 days as soon as the Parliament ratifies the
draft and it’s planned to undergo for revision and approved at the next week
Parliamentary plenary session.

plan-project targets on large-scale projects relevant to international
cooperation and focused to increase foreign investments and activate minerals
output, which is one of main export products of Mongolia.

In order to
attract foreign investments, we should carry out some measures, for examples:

- to introduce
a new system on debt management;

- to free bank
institutions from interest tax, when they importing foreign capital;

- to annul
profit taxes, if a non-bank financial institution is drawing a fund of over 100
thousand USD;

- to attract
investments on free economic zones;

- to provide
investors with favorable visa conditions;

- to arrange
specific meetings with investors;

Regarding the
mining sector:

- to permit on
allocating exploration licenses by amending the Law on Minerals of Mongolia;

- to resolve
some controversial licensing issues;

- to commence
Asgat silver deposit;

- to increase
coal export;

- to support
gold mining;

- to start oil
refinery plant;

- to provide
preparations works for Mongolia-China coal gasification plant;

Also, we should
forward domestic development programs simultaneously such as to support
national manufacturers and businesses by providing flexible services on taxes,
credit and leasing. In order to monitor all these tasks that should perform
coherent and prompt execution, an Economy Strengthening Council under Prime
Minister’s Office is formed”. 

Following his
introduction, Premier N.Altankhuyag answered on interested questions forwarded
by foreign representatives and resident correspondents.


Clean Coal Conference - Mongolia to Take Place in Ulaanbaatar on May 28-29,

April 30
( The World Clean Coal Conference, a series of events in
response to the new challenges and opportunities facing clean coal industry
worldwide, is being organized in China, India, Indonesia and Mongolia, and this
time it is brought to gather in Ulaanbaatar on May 28-29, 2014.

The event is
aimed to introduce the leading coal companies, power utilities, oil & gas
companies, chemical and fertilizer producers’ innovative experiences,
addressing the major challenges in government policy, regulation and industrial
standards, delivering latest developments in technologies that help clean coal
industry build new business model fitting into a low carbon and sustainable
future. This year’s conference, themed “Unlocking Mongolia Clean Coal Potential”,
intends to highlight the growth potential of Mongolian coal conversion industry
and strives to provide meaningful coverage on current trends in the clean coal
industry landscape. To this end, discussions on policy incentives and
investment strategies for clean coal, coal gasification and CTL developments,
evolving technologies, and international and regional best practices, among
others, are woven throughout our comprehensive conference program.

Key topics to be discussed:

- Uncovering
the Government’s strategy & vision for the coal conversion industry to
provide an exclusive update on the industry;

- Discussion on
the outlook and the future for Mongolia clean coal sector to ensure sustainable
long-term development and growth;

- Reviewing the
drivers and forecasts for domestic energy demand to understand how best to
create clean coal portfolio; 

- Deciphering
what foreign investors need to know about making investments in Mongolia clean
coal industry;

- Assessing the
potential opportunities and challenges and uncovering how to successfully
operate in country;

- Evaluating
the financing challenges and investment opportunities in the clean coal sector
of Mongolia;

- Setting up
the scheme for environment conservation and exploring cost-effective
technologies for a green footprint in Mongolian clean coal sector;

Over 120
participants including senior government officials, clean coal project
developers and leading technology licensors from Mongolia, Korea, USA, Germany,
Japan, China, France, Denmark and Australia as well as executives from
international development agencies, consulting groups, investment banks and
international media will be attending.

Who will attend:

- Zandaakhuu
ENKHBOLD, Speaker of the Parliament

- Ochirbat
CHULUUNBAT, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Economic Development

- Bayanjargal
BYAMBASAIKHAN, Chairman of the Business Council of Mongolia

- Yaichil
BATSUURI, CEO of Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi JSC

- Christopher
J. Hagedorn, Chief Development Officer, Peabody Energy Corporation

- Kim Jae-seok,
Senior Vice President of Gas & Coal Chemical Business Department, POSCO

- Jargalsaikhan
ZOLJARGAL, Director of Aduunchuluun CTL Project, Mongolyn Alt (MAK) Corporation

- Janchig
NARANGEREL, Chief Researcher, Mineral and Mining Experimental Laboratory,
Mineral Resource Authority of Mongolia

- Dr. Heon
Jung, Project Leader of CTL Project, Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER)

- Barnasan
PUREVSUREN, Academician, Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology,
Mongolian Academy of Sciences

- Gerhard
Beysel, Vice President, Air Separation Plants, Linde AG

- Kerry
McKenna, Practice Leader Gasification and Coal to Liquids, Hatch Air Liquide
Global E&C Solutions Siemens CB&I

- Kev Garner,
Managing Director, Ascot Energy Holdings Ltd

- Enkhsaruul
BYAMBAJAV, Professor, National University of Mongolia

- Randolph S.
Koppa, President, Trade & Development Bank of Mongolia

- Elisabeth
Ellis, Managing Partner, Minter Ellison

The World Clean
Coal Conference, Mongolia 2014 offers an excellent opportunity to broaden your
vision and ideas for wide eminent speakers from across the world with
innovative and advanced clean coal industry technologies and project
development. We believe that your attendance will get you the first hand
information upon clean coal industry. Kindly let us know if this is something
that would be of interest to you.

The World Clean
Coal Conference, Indonesia was held in Bali on April 09-10, 2014 and the World
Clean Coal Conference, India is scheduled to take place in Delhi on September
10-11, 2014.

Held on Biological Weapons Convention

April 30
( A workshop on national implementation of the Biological
Weapons Convention and Chemical Weapons Convention was co-hosted by the
Department of International Organizations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Mongolia and UN Office for Disarmament Affairs in Ulaanbaatar on April 28-29,

Attended by
representatives of the ministries, government agencies, Mongolian Academy of
Sciences and civil society organizations, the workshop discussed over ten
reports on the history of chemical and biological weapons, the development, goals,
structures, and principles of conventions on the prohibition of these weapons, activities
of the national services of the parties to the conventions, assistance provided
to and collaboration issues.

The attendees
focused on opportunities for training national staffs, supplying necessary
equipment, developing programs of actions, improving border and customs control
and laboratory capacities, and receiving technical assistance from UN and other
international organizations, reports the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of


of Bangkok to visit UB

April 30 (MONTSAME) Head of the Citizens’ Representative Khural of Ulaanbaatar
D.Battulga has said the capital city of Mongolia is to organize a trip for ten
pupils and teachers of Thailand’s secondary schools to Ulaanbaatar city.

This tour will
take place from July 15 to August 1 in frames of an exchange programme of
children between Mongolia and Thailand. Mr Battulga said it during a meeting on
Tuesday with his counterpart Pipat Lappratana within a visit to Thailand.

In the next
turn, Mongolian pupils will visit the capital city of Thailand to history,
culture and lifestyle of the country, and all the expenses for the trips will
be sponsored by the recipient, he said.

Highlighting an
importance of getting familiarized with history, culture and lifestyle of any
country to know each other, the cities’ authorities hope that these measures
will significantly contribute to expanding the bilateral collaboration.

Expressing a
satisfaction with establishing the document on the programme, Ms Lappratana
said the programme is expected to continue.

of Consular Department visits Switzerland

April 30 (MONTSAME) Director of the Consular Department of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs Sh.Sukhbaatar paid a working visit to Switzerland on April

In frames of
the visit, Mr Sukhbaatar held a meeting with Sylvain Astier, a division head of
the Federal Migration Service, exchanging views on returning those Mongolians
who were refused to migrate in Switzerland. He obtained information about aid
to be rendered to the people who have voluntarily applied for returning home.

These people
has a right to apply for the Switzerland’s visa without any obstacles, but those
migrants who are forced to leave the country or committed crimes are restricted
to apply for the visa in at least five years, the Swiss Migration Service says.

After this, Mr
Sukhbaatar met with Mongolians in Switzerland, hearing opinions and requests
from them. He also held a meeting with the Assistant-Secretary of State of the
Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and shared views on appointing an Honorary
Consul of Switzerland in Mongolia.

exchange news for April 30

April 30 (MONTSAME) At the Stock Exchange trades held Wednesday, a total of 69
thousand and 337 shares of 24 JSCs were traded costing MNT 704 million 336
thousand and 688.00.

nekhii” /39 thousand and 852 units/, "Remikon” /20 thousand and 120
units/, "Mudix” /3,301 units/, "Merex” /2,000 units/ and
"Moninjbar” /910 units/ were the most actively traded in terms of trading
volume, in terms of trading value--"Darkhan nekhii" (MNT 665 million
528 thousand and 400), "Mudix" (MNT 26 million and 408 thousand),
"Tavantolgoi" (MNT three million 315 thousand and 150),
"Remikon” (MNT three million 018 thousand and 055) and "Gobi"
(MNT two million 571 thousand and 975).

The total
market capitalization was set at MNT one trillion 599 billion 573 million 400
thousand and 226. The Index of Top-20 JSCs was 15,522.61, decreasing by MNT
273.22 or 1.73% against the previous day.

at AIPS Congress in Baku

April 30 (MONTSAME) The president of the Mongolia’s Association for Sports
Journalists (MASJ) Ch.Otgonbaatar and the vice-president B.Tsagaanbaatar are
taking part in the 77th congress of the International Sports Press Association
(AIPS) which opened April 27 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

This year’s
congress is coincided with the 90th anniversary of the AIPS, and the President
of Azerbaijan Mr Ilham Aliyev attended the opening ceremony. The head of state
addressed the event, and congratulated members of the International Sport Press
Association on its 90th anniversary.

The 77th Annual
Congress of AIPS will run until May 1.

Founded in 1924
by six journalists during the Paris Summer Olympics, the AIPS has become a big
international association in the world, joining some 160 countries so far.

The AIPS’s
bears the goals to enhance the cooperation between its member associations in
defending sport and the professional interest of their members; to strengthen
the friendship, solidarity and common interests between sports journalists of
all countries; and to assure the best possible working conditions for the

on fencing sport runs

April 30 (MONTSAME) Headquarters of the Mongolian National Olympic Committee
(MonNOC) Tuesday hosted training on essential knowledge for fencing coaches.

The MonNOC vice
president Ts.Damdin; and the secretary-general of the Mongolia’s Fencing
Federation (MFF) attended the training.

Conducted by
D.Ganbaatar, the MFF’s general coach, this training involved 16 coaches from
the capital city, Baganuur district and Orkhon aimag. They were given lessons
on primary knowledge of the sport.

According to
the MFF’s authorities, the federation plans to invite coaches from Russia, and
this training is held for preparing for this.

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