Mongolia Brief May 5, 2014

Council for Mongol Studies Established

May 4 (MONTSAME) The cabinet meeting run Saturday approved a rule and
composition of the National Council for Mongol Studies (NCMS).

the national council has comprised delegates of state bodies, scholars and
professional organizations under main functions of formulating and implementing
a policy on developing Mongol studies and correlating its actions with the
related activities.

The NCMS is set
up because Mongolia faces requirements to support the Mongol studies under
state auspices and to inherit national cultural heritage into the next
generation in the globalization era.

In 2012 before
foundation of the national council, the foundation for Mongol studies was
established in accordance with a decree of the President, and then its rule and
composition were approved with six staffers by a governmental resolution in
2012. Afterwards, parliament obliged, by its resolution, the government to
found the NCMS at the Prime Minister of Mongolia.  

Control Law to Be Amended

May 4 (MONTSAME) At its meeting on Saturday, the cabinet backed in principle a
draft amendment to the law on tobacco law formulated by D.Erdenebat MP.

proposals and conclusions from the cabinet over the draft amendment will be
conveyed to the initiator.

Adopted in
2005, the law on tobacco control was altered in 2012, and it came into force in
March of 2013. The amended law should be re-altered because it has some
negative effects and does not meet present requirements, the initiator said.

Draft amendment
reflects a clause on determining permitted spots for smoking.

Meeting in Brief

May 4 (MONTSAME) In accordance with cabinet decision made Saturday, prizes will
be awarded to Dornogobi aimag’s Dashbalbar soum, Tov aimag’s Jargalant soun,
Arkhangai aimag’s Erdenemandal and Khovd aimag’s Uyench soum.

These soums
have been selected as foremost soums at a national level, so they will receive
a certificate and a cash prize of MNT 100 million each. Governors of these
soums were ordered at the cabinet meeting to exploit 90% of the cash prizes for
expanding industries and services, augmenting job places and refining upon the
furnishing in their soums.

- The cabinet
authorized Ya.Sanjmyatav, the Minister of Labour to visit Switzerland and the
USA for taking part in the 103rd Session of the International Labour Conference
and holding meetings with labour authorities of the USA.

The ILC session
will take place from May 28 through June 12 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Receives Mr Klaus Rohland

May 4 (MONTSAME) On Friday, the Minister of Economic Development N.Batbayar met
Mr Klaus Rohland, the World Bank's country director for China, Mongolia and
South Korea in East Asia and Pacific region.

Mr Rohland
visited Mongolia, and held successfully discussions together with the Ministry,
on the “E-health”, “Smart government”, “Reform in education” and “Sustainable
livelihood-2” projects to be realized in Mongolia with soft-loans from the WB.

At the meeting,
the Minister Batbayar conveyed to the WB through Mr Rohland a draft resolution
of parliament on construction of new railways and its clauses on gauges. Then
he said majority part of the project on the new railways will be implemented
through a concession contract in the cooperation between the government and
private sector, so the WB is able to participate in this project.

In response, Mr
Rohland emphasized the WB is interested in infrastructure projects of Mongolia,
and then reported the WB will send its concession experts to Mongolia for
collaborating with the concession section of the Ministry of Economic Development.

figuring out a long-awaited solution for infrastructure and gauge of the new
railways, Mr Rohland expressed a hope that Mongolia will open its gateway of an
intensive development which is based on industry and export.

Mongolia has
expressed its willingness to collaborate with the WB in the constructions of
autoroads, railways, gas pipelines, energy lines and oil pipes.

Bank’s Resident Representative to Mongolia to Be Announced in May 2014

May 5
( On May 02, 2014, Minister for Economic Development of
Mongolia, Mr. N.Batbayar received in his office the World Bank's Country
Director for PR of China, Mongolia and Rebuplic of Korea in the East Asia and
Pacific Region based in Beijing, Mr. Klaus Rohland.

discussed and exchanged views on the "e-Health", "Smart
Government", "Education Reform" and "Sustainable
Livelihoods Project II" to be implemented in Mongolia under the World Bank
soft loan, where negotiations have been completed.

During the
meeting, Minister N.Batbayar also introduced a new draft bill titled “New
railway construction” recently submitted to the Parliament for revision that
cites Mongolia’s railroad to have both narrow and broad gauges.

Mr. Klaus
Rohland noted, “The World Bank is interested in Mongolia’s infrastructure
projects and agreed to collaborate with the Ministry’s Concession Division. It
is good that the Ministry resolves the railway track issues and we believe by
conducting big construction works Mongolia’s development path would be

Also, during
the meeting Minister expressed Mongolia’s interest to cooperate with the World
Bank on constructing five links to connect Russia and China, namely auto road,
railway, gas pipelines, power lines and oil transmitting pipeline construction

In addition the
Country Director Klaus Rohland said, "The World Bank’s Resident
Representative to Mongolia will be announced this month. Ms. Coralie Gevers had
been working as the Resident Representative over the past four years and due to
office term experiment, she was recalled last March. Selection process for the
new World Bank Resident Representative to Mongolia is ongoing, where 30
candidates were promoted”.


Exchange Weekly Review

May 4 (MONTSAME) Five stock trades were held at Mongolia's Stock Exchange from
April 28 to May 2, 2014.

In overall, 138
thousand and 593 shares were sold of 43 joint-stock companies totaling MNT 741
million 766 thousand and 714.60.

/58 thousand and 594 units/, "Darkhan nekhii” /39 thousand and 934 units/,
"Merex" /13 thousand and 455 units/, "Genco tour bureau” /5,811
units/ and "Khokh gan" /4,874 units/ were the most actively traded in
terms of trading volume, in terms of trading value--"Darkhan nekhii” (MNT
666 million 917 thousand and 280), "Mudix" (MNT 26 million and 408
thousand), "Gutal" /MNT nine million 969 thousand and 500/,
"Remikon" /MNT eight million 785 thousand and 887/ and
"Tavantolgoi" (MNT five million 519 thousand and 105).

Ranked 74th in Press Freedom Index 2014

May 4 (MONTSAME) The US-based “Freedom House” NGO released the press freedom
index of countries for this year on May 1.

According to
the index, Mongolia was ranked 74th place among 197 nations in the world,
alongside Serbia, Mali and Hong Kong. In the previous year’s index, Mongolia
was ranked 77thplace, which means the press freedom in Mongolia has improved.

Netherlands, Norway and Sweden topped the ratings, whereas Cuba, Belarus,
Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and North Korea are ranked on the bottom in this year.

Freedom in the
World 2014 evaluates the state of freedom in 195 countries and 14 territories
during 2013. Each country and territory is assigned two numeri­cal
ratings--from 1 to 7--for political rights and civil liberties, with 1
representing the most free and 7 the least free. The two ratings are based on
scores assigned to 25 more detailed indicators. The average of a country or
territory’s political rights and civil liberties ratings determines whether it
is Free, Partly Free, or Not Free.

methodology, which is derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
is applied to all countries and territories, irrespective of geographic
location, ethnic or religious composition, or level of economic development.

Freedom in the
World assesses the real-world rights and free­doms enjoyed by individuals,
rather than governments or government performance per se. Political rights and
civil liberties can be affected by both state and non-state actors, including
insur­gents and other armed groups.

EBRD Financing for Moncement Plant of Senj Sant LLC in Mongolia

May 5 (MONTSAME) The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is
continuing its support for the Mongolian company Senj Sant, which is building a
green field cement plant to meet rising demand generated by the country’s
rapidly growing economy, informs the Press Office of EBRD.

The Bank is
extending a US$ 65 million loan to the company as part of a financing package
dating from May 2013, which included a US$ 20 million equity investment in Senj
Sant, says news published at the website of the bank on April 30.

The company,
owned by Mongolia’s Monpolymet Group, is using the finance to fund the
construction, commissioning and operation of a technologically-advanced and
environmentally-friendly dry process cement plant.

construction works for this plant began in April 2013 and once completed, it is
expected to have a total capacity of one million tonnes of cement per year. The
dry process used at the facility is the most advanced and
environmentally-friendly means of production currently available.

During the
signing ceremony at the Bank’s headquarters in London, EBRD First Vice
President, Phil Bennett, said: “This project represents yet another step
towards the diversification of Mongolia’s economy. Building on the strong
foundation of our previous engagement with Senj Sant, we are proud to continue
financing this significant industrial greenfield investment. It directly
supports and nurtures the development of the private sector in a relatively
underdeveloped industry in Mongolia.”

CEO of
Monpolymet Group, Munkhnasan Narmandakh, added: “The EBRD’s long-term finance,
including equity, not only helps us build the first cement plant in Mongolia
using environmentally-friendly dry process, but also supports the company in
raising business standards to international levels.”

Fuelled by the
country’s vast mineral resources, Mongolia’s economy grew by 11.7 per cent in
2013. The new Senj Sant plant is strategically located in southern Mongolia.

FC Defeats Svay Rieng of Cambodia

May 4 (MONTSAME) Competing in the “C” group of the 2014 AFC President's Cup,
the “Erchim” football club at the #4 thermal power station beat the Cambodian
Svay Rieng club by scores 3:1 at the game held Saturday in Ulaanbaatar,

On the
10th minute of the first half, Sothearoth made an own goal against his
Svay Rieng. The sore goal of the Cambodian club was performed by Mony Udom on
15th minute. Afterwards, Gal-Erdene made the double at 35th and
45th minutes. No goal was made in the second half.

Before this,
the Nepal’s Manang Marshyangdi club beat the Svay Rieng by scores 6:3 on May 1.
By the schedule, the “Erchim” FC will face the Nepali club on May 5.

The 2014 AFC
President's Cup is running among 11 clubs. Games of “A” and “B” groups are
being held in the Philippines and Sri Lanka.

The winners of
each group will advance to the final to take place in September. The final is
played as a single match, with extra time and penalty shoot-out used to decide
the winner if necessary.

"Erchim" FC Sets Battle with Manang Marsyangdi

May 5 (MONTSAME) Mongolian champion Erchim Football Club /FC/ and Nepal's
national champion Manang Marshyangdi Club (MMC) will take on each other in
their last Group C stage match at MFF Football Centre in UB city on Monday.

However, both
the teams have already qualified to the next round of the AFC President’s Cup
Qualifiers on Saturday. Cambodia champion Svay Rieng has lost both its matches
against Erchim FC and MMC.

MMC had
defeated Svay Rieng 6-3 in its inaugural match on Thursday while Erchim FC
secured 3-1 victory against Svay Rieng on Saturday.

The last group
stage match will determine the group winner.

Altogether 11
teams from the emerging countries of Asia are participating in the tournament
which is being played on a round-robin basis.

Erchim FC, MMC
and Svay Rieng are drawn in Group C while Sri Lanka Air Force, Pakistan’s KRL,
Bangladesh’s Sheikh Russel and Bhutan’s Ugyen Academy are drawn in Group A.

Philippines’s Ceres, Turkmenistan’s HTTU Asgabat, China’s Tatung and North Korea’s
Rimyongsu are in Group B.

The winners and
runner-ups of each group will qualify for the next round of AFC President’s

Child Wins 2014 FAI Young Artists Contest

May 5 (MONTSAME) A Mongolian boy O.Dolgoon has won a gold medal in the 2014 FAI
Young Artists Contest themed “Flying to Save Lives”, the FAI's website
published Friday.

He was one of
the winners from China, Japan, Nepal, Turkey, Ukraine and USA at the contest,
which every year awards FAI Medals and Diplomas to artists in three age
categories from 6 to 17 years old, the website says.

The Mongolian
boy won the contest in the intermediate category (ages 10-13), and he was
followed by Anastasiya Novikova of Russia and K.C. Bibeen of Nepal.

Competition was
fierce, not only because of the quality of the artworks, but also due to the
significant rise in participation: the number of FAI Members taking part in the
contest soared from 14 in 2013 to 21 in 2014 with the involvement Bulgaria,
Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Finland, India, Italy, Japan, Libya,
Lithuania, Mongolia, Nepal, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey,
Ukraine and USA.

“We are
delighted that this year's theme, 'Flying to Save Lives', was so inspirational.
The paintings are of excellent quality and we are honoured to award Medals and
Diplomas to such talented youngsters,” FAI Young Artists Contest Coordinator
Suzie Gebb stated. “Twenty-one FAI Members participated in this year's contest,
some of them - Turkey, Switzerland and USA - having received between 5,000 and
10,000 entries. We also noticed with pleasure that many new countries such as
Egypt, Libya and Mongolia joined the contest for the first time,” it says.

International Jury, which consisted of the Delegates and Bureau Members of the
FAI Aviation and Space Education Commission (CIEA) present at its Annual
Meeting, chose the winning paintings among the 9 best artworks (3 per age
category) selected by each FAI Member at a national level.

The FAI Young
Artists Contest has been organized every year since 1986. It is an
international art contest for youngsters between the ages of 6 and 17.

FAI Members
make arrangements in each country for a national competition, or similar
process of selection, for young people resident in their countries. The
national winners are then submitted to the International Jury. A different
theme is chosen every year to inspire the young artists and reflect the many
facets of air sports.

to the law on Tobacco Control approved by cabinet

May 5 (
In Saturday`s regular cabinet meeting, the controversial Law on Tobacco Control
was approved to be amended on May 3rd.

The Amendment
Bill, initiated by MP D.Erdenebat, was submitted as a matter of principle and
included several suggestions and summaries to law makers by the Government.

A revision of
the 2005 Law on Tobacco Control was adopted by Parliament in 2012 and entered
into force on 1st March 2013.

This revision
of the Law on Tobacco Control was widely seen as dispirited and caused negative
consequences; therefore the new amendment bill was submitted.

In the new
amendment the law makers proposed new regulations to create designated smoking
areas and to increase the controlling system used.

Council for Mongolian Studies established

May 5 (
Facing the challenge of globalization, the government of Mongolia meets
requirement to save Mongolian studies, rich cultural heritage in order to pass
over to the young generation.

President of
Mongolia issued a decree in 2012 to create the fund for Support of Mongolian

The Government
of Mongolia set the fund officially deciding the rule of the fund and
appointment of six limited staffs for the fund with its resolution 402 in 2013.

And Parliament
ordered the Government to establish National Council for Mongolian
Studies under the power of Prime Minister passing the resolution
17 this year.

On Saturday`s
cabinet meeting, the Government passed the rule and structure of the National
Council for Mongolian Studies. National Council for Mongolian Studies structure
consists of representatives of state agencies, scholars, and professional

of Mongolia Establishes National Committee to Decentralize City Urbanization

May 5
( At the Cabinet meeting held on May 03, 2014, it was
discussed the issues on urbanization and proportion increasing between city and
rural area’s settlement.

The rapid
urbanization has been strongly occurred since 1990s among middle class and
developing countries, and by 2009 about 50 percent of global population has
already moved into its big cities. Following this rapid population growth, it
impacted to environmental degradation, urban infrastructure overgrazing, and
increased the differences of urban and rural developments that caused negative
consequences in their socio-economic growth. Such effects felt the most in
Latin America, Mexico, Brazil, Africa, Egypt, Senegal, Nigeria, Asian
Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Indonesia and Mongolia.

Therefore, in
order to decrease mass movement into city, Government resolved to establish a
National Committee to develop general plan for population migration and
settlement development under policy directories to decentralization of large
cities and to support small and medium cities’ growth, to create new

The National
Committee will be chaired by Prime Minister and Minister of Construction and
Urban Development, Minister of Economic Development will be responsible for
efficient organization.

The total
population of Mongolia is expected to reach three million people by the end of
this year and as of territorial organizational structure, the country is
divided into 21 Aimags (Provinces), 330 Sums (Sum is an administrative unit of
an Aimag), 9 Districts (UB), 1,599 Bags (Sum) and 121 Khoroos (District). With
such extensive administrative structure, the influence of population migration
from rural to urban areas caused urbanization rate to reach 67 percent. Today,
around 60 percent of the total population is living in capital city and in centralized
23 regional centers and provincial cities of our country.

Only 44 percent
of the population concentrated in Ulaanbaatar, 70 percent of total enterprises
and organizations centered in UB, also over 60 percent of gross domestic
product is produced. This tendency is expected to grow furthermore, thus
general urban policy and planning, making an implementation is required.


Meeting Resolutions in Brief: May 03, 2014

May 5
( At the Cabinet meeting held on May 03, 2014, the following
issues were resolved. 

- At current
globalizing situation facing today, the need to preserve Mongolian Studies
under state protection and policy, and aimed to inherit their rich cultural
heritage to our future generation, Government approved the regulations and
composition of the National Council of Mongolian Studies. The National Council
is aimed to implement the development policy of Mongolian Studies and
coordinate the council activities under responsibilities of government agencies,
academics and representatives of professional organizations.

- Over the past
10 years, the city's population increased by 6 percent annually and over the
next 10 years it is expected to increase by 400 thousand citizens per year.
With increasing migrations, the number of people living in Ger areas would also
aggrandized, thus development policy regulations in infrastructure and land-use
are needed. In order to resolve these crucial issues, Mongolian Government and
the Asian Development Bank are planning to implement "Ulaanbaatar Urban
Services and Ger Areas Development Investment Program" a 10-year program
in 3 phases and at the meeting, Cabinet members agreed to submit the Program
for Parliament approval.

- Government of
Mongolia selects four eligible Sums (administrative unit of an Aimag) every two
year. This time, Dashbalbar Sum of Dornod Aimag, Jargalant Sum of Tuv Aimag,
Erdenemandal Sum of Arkhangai Aimag and Uyench Sum of Khovd Aimag were bestowed
as prominent Sums of Mongolia and Sum Administrators were awarded with
Certificates accompanied with 100 million MNT (Tugrug) respectively to support
and expand the Sum’s manufacturing and services, to add jobs and improve the
Sum center’s appearance by using 90% of allocated monetary reward.

- Minister for
Labor of Mongolia, Mr. Ya.Sanjmyatav is allowed to attend the 103rd Session of
the International Labour Conference to take place in the United States on May
22-29, 2014 for the purpose to have official talks with affiliated U.S.
Department of Labor authorities. During these days, Minister Ys.Sanjmyatav will
also have a working to the Swiss Confederation and guidance for these working
visits are set to be approved by the Prime Minister.

Hand” Deinocheirus Dinosaur’s Fossils Repatriated to Its Home Country

May 5
( The repatriation ceremony of very rare paleontological
fossil remains of Deinocheirus dinosaur’s skull and two legs’ foot bones found
in the territory of Bugiin Tsav canyon, Umnugovi Aimag was held at the Central
Laboratory of Paleontology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences in Ulaanbaatar on May
01, 2014.

The fossils
were presented to Minister for Culture, Sports and Tourism of Mongolia Ms. Ts.Oyungerel
by delegates of Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (Museum of Natural
Sciences) led by Museum Director Dr. Pascal Godefroit.

The first known
fossil remains are a single pair of massive forelimbs and the remains of some
ribs and vertebrae. They were found in 1965 during a Polish-Mongolian
expedition to the Gobi led by Professor Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska in Umnugovi
Aimag (Province). The type species and only named species is Deinocheirus
Mirificus, which means “horrible hand” and the generic name is derived from
Greek deinos (horrible) and cheir (hand). This name was given because only
forelimbs were found and with absence of the skull the research works were had
to delay up to date for 49 years.

Deinocheirus dinosaur’s skull was first found by a Belgian researcher Francois
Eskulie, who donated to the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. In the
initial Deinocheirus study team, a Mongolian scientist R.Barsbold used to work,
who requested narrow research study of this rare object in its home country,
consequently the request is fulfilled and being presented to Mongolian side.

Deinocheirus dinosaur’s fossils are now officially registered at the “Central
Dinosaur Museum” in Ulaanbaatar as second after the Tyrannosaurus bataar skeleton

The Central
Dinosaur Museum facility is administered by Mongolian People’s Party since the
1990s. However, at the Cabinet meeting held in January 2013 it was resolved to
open a new Central Dinosaur Museum by renaming former V.I.Lenin Museum, but
vacating the building is under controversial to date, even the final resolution
by the Supreme Court of Mongolia was issued in March 2014.

Governor Meets with French Ambassador

May 5 (MONTSAME) The governor of Ovorkhangai province D.Togtokhsuren received
Mr Yves Delaunay, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to
Mongolia to exchange views on cooperation matter during his visit on April

This visit was
paid in frames of the 50th year anniversary of diplomatic ties between Mongolia
and France to be marked next year.

Noting that
Ovorkhangai province and French Allier department have model foreign relations
at regional level, the Ambassador Mr Delaunay put forward many proposals
including to cooperate in agriculture sector, to send official delegation of
the French Agency for Development /AFD/ to locality and to erect statue of
Guillaume de Rubrouck, a Flemish Franciscan missionary and explorer, in
Kharkhorin soum.

In response,
the governor Togtokhsuren mentioned 13-year friendly relations between two
sides and said, we are glad that our regional relation is intensifying at the
state level then received gratefully cooperation proposal in agriculture

After this, the
Ambassador Mr Delaunay visited French Alphine dairy goat farming in locality
and also worked in Uyanga Kharkhorin and Khujirt soums where he met local
families who received assistance of France, last year.

Informs Parliament on Spending of Government Bonds

May 5 (MONTSAME) At a parliamentary session meeting on last Friday, the Prime
Minister N.Altankhuyag informed on projects financed from the Genghis Bond of
the Government of Mongolia.

By the end of
March 2014, the Government has granted financing of 1.3 trillion togrog from
its bond capital to ten projects, including a road pavement project connecting
province centers to the capital city, a so-called Street project in
Ulaanbaatar, municipal engineering and infrastructural projects, a new railway
project, power plant projects in Tavantolgoi and Eg River, a Buyant Ukhaa
apartment district project, and import substitution and industrialization
projects, said  Mr Altankhuyag.

Under the road
project, Dundgovi-Ulaanbaatar and Bayankhongor-Ulaanbaatar roads have thus far
come to services, and road construction linking Omnogovi, Dornod, Sukhbaatar
and Khovsgol provinces to Ulaanbaatar are expected to be completed by this
August, noted the Prime Minister, ‘a 68% of a total 1,800 km roads have been
paved under funding from the bond money’.

The Government
is planning to build a 1,800 km railway under its ‘New Railway’ project, said
the Premier, ‘a US$ 164.2 million construction of 267 kilometers of railway is
being financed by the Genghis bonds’.

Maker Young Herders” National Consultation to Run

May 5 (MONTSAME) First national consultation themed “Wealth maker young
herders” will be held May 9-10 in the State House under auspices of the Prime

The forthcoming
event is expected to gather 360 young herders from aimags. The consultation’s
main objectives are to raise the reputation of young herders, to encourage them
and to propagandize their contributions to the society, an advisor to the
Premier M.Khuderbaatar said at a news conference.

consultation also aims to set up a national network of representing young
herders, said N.Ganibal, head of the Animal Husbandry Policy Implementation
Regulatory Department of the Ministry of Industry and Agriculture.

Forum on Nuclear Weapon Free Zone in Northeast Asia Held in NY

May 5 (MONTSAME) An unofficial forum has been held in the UN Headquarters in
New York City, USA to discuss opportunities and conditions for establishing
nuclear weapon-free zone in Northeast Asia.

The forum ran
in frames of the 2014 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)
Preparatory Committee in accordance with UN Advisory Board on Disarmament
Matters’ recommendation and Mongolian President’s proposal on launching the to
work, on an unofficial basis, with the countries of the region to see if and
how a NWFZ could be established in Northeast Asia.

Apart of the
committee participants, representatives of regional research institutions, NGOs
and states with nuclear weapons took part in the forum as observers,
considering a chance for setting up the zone in the region.

Statement for Promotion of NWFZ in Northeast Asia

May 5 (MONTSAME) The 2014 NPT Preparatory Committee’s unofficial forum which
was held with a theme “Time for Action to Establish a Northeast Asia Nuclear
Weapon Free Zone” issued April 30 a joint statement for the promotion of a
Nuclear-Weapons Free Zone in Northeast Asia.

“A new
environment for moving forward the denuclearization of Northeast Asia is now
emerging. In July 2013, the report of the UN Secretary General on the work of
the Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters made a recommendation that “the
Secretary-General consider appropriate action for the establishment of a
nuclear-weapon-free zone in North-East Asia.” Also at the High-level Meeting on
Nuclear Disarmament in September 2013, President Elbegdorj Tsakhia of Mongolia
announced the country's readiness to work, on an unofficial basis, with the
countries of the region to see if and how a NWFZ could be established in
Northeast Asia.

Meanwhile, the
possible consequences of detonation of nuclear weapons show their inhumanity
that can threaten the very survival of the human species. Hence the two thirds
of UN member states have supported the General Assembly resolution to that
effect that had been adopted in October 2013. Japan, a country which had
experienced the horrors of the atomic bombings during wartime, also supported
the resolution.

Since 2003, a
group of like-minded NGOs from Japan, the ROK and Mongolia have convened
various meetings on the issue of a NEA-NWFZ in the belief that a NEA-NWFZ could
greatly contribute to achieving a nuclear-weapon-free world. The voice of the
civil society, the local authorities, the religious community and members of
parliamentarian that call for establishing a NEA-NWFZ are increasing the
region. Thus 543 mayors in Japan have signed on to a statement in support of
establishing a NEA-NWFZ.

Bearing the
above in mind, the NGOs from Japan, the ROK, Mongolia and their supporters have
organized an NGO forum entitled “Time for Action to Establish a Northeast Asia
Nuclear Weapon Free Zone” on the margins of the 3rd NPT Preparatory Committee
meeting at the UN Headquarters in New York on 30 April 2014 so as to directly
convey their strong conviction for the need to start to discussing the
possibility of establishing a NEA-NWFZ. The forum heard reports and views of
diverse representatives of Northeast Asia, including experts, local
authorities, religious leaders, parliamentarians and citizens' peace
organizations, and agreed on a comprehensive approach to the issue that should
include shifting from the current Korean War armistice agreement to a peace
regime on the Korean Peninsula.

In order to
realize a world free of nuclear weapons, it is the responsibility of all
countries of the world to pursue a shift away from security policies based on
the threat of the use of nuclear weapons. Like in other regions of the world,
establishing a NEA-NWFZ could form the basis for such a security policy. Such a
policy could also complement the efforts of the governments of the region to
address the issues within the framework of the Six-Party Talks.

We, the
participants of this NGO forum strongly support the efforts to start discussing
on an informal basis the possibility of establishing a NEA-NWFZ and declare our
commitment to continue to work together in this endeavor. We call on
politicians involved in local and national politics around the world, civil
society groups, and individuals to express their support for a Northeast Asia
Nuclear-Weapons Free Zone, and work together for its realization,” the
statement says.

Hand’ Returns Home

May 5 (MONTSAME) Fossil remains of Deinocheirus (Greek: Terrible Hand) has been
returned from Germany to the Mongolian Paleontological Center.

The fossils
were presented in Ulaanbaatar to Culture Minister of Mongolia Ts.Oyungerel by a
delegation of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences led by Dr Pascal

Deinocheirus is
a genus of large theropod dinosaur, possibly an ornithomimosaurian, which lived
in what is now southern Mongolia, during the late Cretaceous Period (Nemegt
Formation, dating to around 70 million years ago).

The first known
fossil remains are a single pair of massive forelimbs and the remains of some
ribs and vertebrae. They were found on 9 July 1965 during a Polish-Mongolian
expedition to the Gobi by Professor Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska at the Altan Ula
III site in Omnogovi Province. The find was reported by her in 1966.
Deinocheirus was named by Halszka Osmolska and Ewa Roniewicz in 1970. The type
species and only named species is Deinocheirus mirificus. The generic name is
derived from Greek δεινός, deinos, "terrible", "horrible",
and χείρ, cheir, "hand". The specific name is Latin for 'unusual',

Doctors Work in Province

Ulaanbaatar, May
5 (MONTSAME) A joint team of doctors from the National Center for Maternal and
Child Health and Japanese “Heart saving project” voluntary non-profit
organization /NPO/ worked in Zavkhan province on April 30-May 1.

The team has
run medical checkup for a total of local 122 children and diagnosed 56 children
with heart problem and also decided to catheterize one as well as to make heart
surgery on two children urgently.

The NPO is an
organization which consists of Japanese qualified heart specialists and supports
voluntary grant aids to abroad. 

Manufacturing Factory to Be Built in Province

May 5 (MONTSAME) A joint waste manufacturing factory of Germany and Orkhon
aimag is planned to be erected in the province.

As supposed,
construction work will commence from fourth quarter of this year and a sum of
52 million EUR required will be covered from bank loan with 3.8 percent

The technique
and economic feasibility of the factory and its blueprint will be made in
Germany as well as all equipment will be supplied from.

This factory
will turn waste into energy and it means, equipment will classify and dry all
trash out in dumps then burn them at high temperature.

factories in Germany are capable of producing 16 thousand ton diesel fuel and
14 MB energy by manufacturing 100 thousand ton waste at an average a year.

Ever Eco-Town to Be Constructed in Province

May 5 (MONTSAME) A first ever eco-town is planned to be built in eastern Dornod
province in frames of a program called “Thousand apartment”.

As expected,
the town will create comfortable living condition and offer all-in-one service
to the residents by erecting car parking, school, kindergarten, and trade
centers that meet with modern standard.

This 4-year
program will be carried out by French “Archetype” group which an
internationally recognized firm and a multidisciplinary construction
consultancy with a core services portfolio including Architecture; Urban and
Master Planning; Civil, Structural, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering;
Project & Construction Management, and Cost Management.

TV Company Invites Our Pop Opera Band

May 5 (MONTSAME) Mongolian pop opera band “Nuans” is to head Russia at an
invitation of Buryatia Television and Radio Broadcasting Company for its 50th
year anniversary, late May.

The band will
perform together with Russian popular singers and bands at the anniversary
celebration and also is planning to give a full pop opera concert there.

these singers entertained pop and opera lovers with their “Best songs for Mom”
concert in cities of southeastern Russia early of last March on the occasion of
March 8-international Women's day.

to Introduce Its Economic Free Zone and Investment Issues in Ulaanbaatar,

May 5
( Upon the invitation of Mongolia's Ministry of Roads and
Transportation, delegates from State Economic Development Commission and
Ministry of Railways of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea are
conducting a working visit to Mongolia on May 08-12, 2014.

In the
frameworks of the visit, North Korean delegation will attend and introduce the
“DPRK Economic Free Zone and Investment” issues at the meeting scheduled at the
Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry at 03:00 pm on May 08,

At the meeting,
Korean delegates will be represented by authorities from the DPRK Ministry of
Railways, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Legal Departments of Ministry of Land
and Marine Transportation, and State Economic Commission’s Development Division
for Special Region.

of Mongolian Soldiers” Competition Successfully Finished and Military Unit-Winners

May 5
( At the initiation of Governor of the Capital City and Mayor
of Ulaanbaatar, Mr. E.Bat-Uul, the final stage of "March of Mongolian
Soldiers" marching competition was held at Chinggis Square on May 03,

This is the
second year competition organized in collaboration with City Mayor's Office,
the General Staff of the Armed Forces, General Authority for Border Protection,
and National Emergency Management Agency and has been held among all-military units
nearby Ulaanbaatar city since February 2014.

At this
competition showcasing the marching skills of the military units have participated
a total 30 units and organizations, of which 9 military units were shortlisted
in the final stage. Besides, the competition criteria required a well
organizational structure of a unit and standard conditions of militants’ health
and security environments.

march-competition winners were led by a Unit No.120 of Mongolian Armed Forces
commanded by Colonel Kh.Bandi, the second place went to Border Military Unit
No.151 chaired by Colonel N.Ganbold and the third place to Armed Forces
Military Unit No.353 supervised by Colonel A.Munkhbat.

According to
Mayor’s Office Decree, above three Colonels, who provided proficient
preparations and skills, were rewarded with a key to two-room apartment each,
besides their units were awarded with a set of wind musical instruments.

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