Speaker inspects construction of Ankara City in Turkey

The Speaker of the Mongolian Parliament Z.Enkhbold accompanied by MPs paid an official visit to the Republic of Turkey between 9th and 13th October.

As part of the scheduled visit to Turkey Speaker Z.Enkhbold saw the construction and creation of Ankara, the capital of Turkey, where the biggest residential site projects have been launched with a successful aesthetically pleasing look for the City.

Turkey is one country where the construction sector is highly developed. Turkish construction companies are active in almost every country. From the 225 world leading construction companies 33 belong to Turkey. Turkey is also ranked second after China for its construction services.

Turkish officials have acknowledged the growing construction sector in Ulaanbaatar City. Therefore, the Deputy Mayor of Ankara said that Turkey is ready to share its experience to help Mongolia to reform the urban planning across Mongolia"s vast territory.

The Deputy Mayor of Ankara said the City Administration also went through challenges following a previous land allocation disorder. But now the City is flourishing.

Speaker Z.Enkhbold expressed thanks to the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan for his attention and efforts and for the 300 million US dollar loans for help in residential site projects in Mongolia and said Mongolia is willing to import the Turkish experience of building residential sites to Mongolia.


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