Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The President of Mongolia Ts.Elbegdorj Tuesday received Mr William Hague, the Foreign Secretary and First Secretary of State of the United Kingdom, in the State House.

Beginning the meeting, Mr Hague thanked the State Head for the audience and congratulated him on being re-elected the Mongolian President.

Noting about the 50th anniversary of the Mongolia-UK diplomatic relations, Mr Hague emphasized that the countries have a big opportunity to intensify their relations and cooperation and to bring them into a newer volume. “I am really glad for achievements gained in intensifying of the cooperation with Mongolia thanks to widening the diplomatic relations with Asia-Pacific countries,” Mr Hague said.

The President pointed out that Mongolia is always open for those who approach the country on the openly for the public matters on cooperation, investments and other issues. The investment matter is also discussed through this principle, Mr Elbegdorj said and admitted that Mongolia has faced difficulties these days in economic and investment fields, and said he is confident that the problems will be tackled soon.

As seen from experiences of Britain with its most open economy and convenient environment for investors, one of the greatest solutions is to be more open and to provide investors with information, Mr Hague emphasized, adding that his country is ready to share its method with the Mongolian government in making the state actions and capital expenditure more transparent to the public by utilizing the latest technologies.

In response, the President underlined Mongolia is always open for foreign investors, and that the investors must respect the Mongolian laws and be transparent to our public all the time.

Mongolia borders with two big states, so we attach a great importance to investments from the "Third neighbour" in order to keep an investment balance, "our interest must not be abused, we always maintain the responsible mining," the President highlighted.



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