President of Mongolia addressed at the XVI Conference of Heads of Government of the NAM

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - On August 30, the President of Mongolia Tsakhia ELBEGDORJ participated in the Ministerial Meeting the XVI Summit of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), which is ongoing in Tehran, the Islamic Republic of Iran on August 30-31, 2012. At the meeting President delivered an addressing speech as following.

Address by H.E. Mr. Tsakhia Elbegdorj President of Mongolia at the XVI Conference of Heads of State or Government of the Non-Aligned Movement

Mr. Chairman, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
At the outset, I wish to join the previous speakers in congratulating the Islamic Republic of Iran for assuming the Chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and express our high appreciation for the excellent arrangements provided for this Summit. My delegation would also like to pay its tribute to Egypt for its outstanding stewardship of our Movement over the past three years.

Mr. Chairman,
Last year we solemnly observed the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of our Movement by reaffirming our commitment to the Bandung Principles as well as the Purposes and Principles and the Role of the Non-Aligned Movement in the Present International Juncture adopted by the 14th NAM Summit in Havana.

Mongolia also shares the view that NAM in the 21st century should assert itself as a proactive force in advancing a culture of global peace and security, promoting democracy and good governance, and ensuring an equitable world prosperity.

In addition, the Non-Aligned Movement should continue to being open to dialogue with other interested Groupings and partners, and generate synergies to work for a peaceful and prosperous world for all, including among parliaments and civil societies in the States Members of the Movement.

Mr. Chairman,
This year we are celebrating the twentieth anniversary of Mongolia’s declaration of its territory a nuclear-weapon-free zone. As a result of our consistent efforts and the support of the international community, the nuclear-weapon-free status of Mongolia enjoys today a wide international recognition. This clearly testifies to the fact that all nations, including small states, can make their tangible contribution towards achieving the goal of a nuclear-weapon-free world.

The Tehran Final Document underlines that nuclear-weapon-free zones and Mongolia’s nuclear-weapon-free-status “are positive steps and important measures towards strengthening global nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation”. It is gratifying to note that Mongolia’s internationally recognized nuclear-weapon-free status is contributing to nuclear non-proliferation and confidence-building. May I convey our high appreciation to all NAM Member States for expressing once again their kind support for Mongolia's efforts to institutionalize its nuclear-weapons-free status at the international level. This is yet another example of NAM solidarity.

Mr. Chairman,
Grass-roots-led democratic movements in North Africa and across the Middle East have been a major transformation in the past 3 years since the Sharm El Sheikh Summit. The draft Final Document underlines that "democracy is a universal value". International cooperation and exchange of experiences are of vital importance since democracy consolidation, building a free, open, just society is a daunting task.

It is very symbolic to my delegation to attend this meeting here in Tehran. My ancestors arrived here in this region in XIII-XIV century and established the Mongolian IL-Khanate State. This period is known as a time when trade between the nations was flourishing, when people of different believes enjoyed harmony and state building.

Today we are gathered here for the same purposes: promoting greater peace, freedom and rule of law. We believe in power of justice and freedom. It unleashes human creativity which ultimately leads to prosperity. We believe in sanctity of human life, undeniable rights that every nation, national governments should protect as high priority. We believe in participatory approach of our people in defining their destiny.

Last year, Mongolia took up the presidency of the Community of Democracies - an honorable and responsible mission. Experience gained and lessons learnt in democracy consolidation around the world reinforce our conviction that efforts to foster democracy are inconsistent without democracy education. Knowledge-based participation by the society in political and economic life is fundamental for durable democracy. This is the underlying reason why Mongolia defined the promotion of democracy education as its top priority during its presidency. We also set forth important objectives of fostering interaction with civil society, strengthening regional cooperation, sharing experience and supporting countries in transition and fighting for zero tolerance to corruption.

At present, Mongolia is working to initiate a draft General Assembly resolution on democracy education this year following extensive consultations among Member States, relevant international organizations and civil society. We hope that this initiative will enjoy strong support of NAM Member States at the forthcoming session of the UN General Assembly.

Mr. Chairman,
One of the principled positions of our Movement is the promotion and preservation of multilateralism. It encompasses our joint efforts to further enhance the central role of the United Nations in promoting international peace and security, economic development and social progress.

Mongolia endeavours to make its own contribution to this through its strong participation in UN Peacekeeping operations and active engagement in promoting democracy and nuclear-weapons-free world, advancing the special needs of vulnerable economies and improving the situation of rural women. Mongolia put forward its candidature for election to non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council at the elections to be held in 2022, as well as to the Human Rights Council’s membership in 2015. It is our earnest hope that NAM Member States will render their valuable support to Mongolia.

In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, I would like to reiterate Mongolia’s firm commitment to the ideals embedded in our Movement. It is my firm belief that it is the leaders who express and protect the interests and inspirations of their peoples. Peoples themselves never confront and fight each other. It is because of leaders’ stances and policies that confrontations and struggles might occur among nations. Therefore, I wish to appeal to all Heads of State and Government to adhere to the principle of reconciliation in our relations.

Let us unite and move together along the road “From confrontation to reconciliation!”

Thank you for your kind attention.


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