President Ts.Elbegdorj tours soum near Tavantolgoi

On Sunday, President Ts.Elbegdorj met with residents of Tsogttsetsii soum in Umnugobi aimag, after his visits to the Tavantolgoi and Oyutolgoi mining projects.

The president told residents that independence and national security are the key interests of any nation, and all state decisions should consider these interests. He also said citizen participation in decision-making and expanding the authority of local settlements are crucial for a society based on civil rights. He said the Civil Chamber under the President listens to citizens’ opinions and this example should be followed in Umnugobi aimag and Tsogttsetsii soum. He said managing officials began to understand that it was easier to implement decisions after getting input from citizens. He said laws have been amended to allow citizens to share in the country’s wealth, so they should also be allowed to participate in the country’s decision-making process.

Ts.Elbegdorj noted that judicial reform should be implemented in the country, and some laws have already been amended. He said Parliament is discussing amendments to the Criminal Law and the law on courts.

He underlined that environmental issues are very important nowadays, as global populations and productivity increase. He said water shortages and desertification are significant problems, which development policies should take into account. He said development projects sometimes have negative impacts, such as pollution and water shortages.

Tsogttsetsii soum has been grown from 4,000 to 12,000 residents due to development connected with the Tavantolgoi mining project. Road construction is very important in the soum because coal transportation has created much dust. Dust has negatively affected soum residents’ health, as well as animals and the environment. Also, water is in short supply in the soum, and the president said water usage should be regulated.

Citizens told the president their opinions, noting that the most difficult problems in the soum are water and dust. They also expressed their gratitude to Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi and Energy Resources for their projects in the area. They said the soum hospital should be enlarged, since it is overloaded due to the increasing population. They also complained about the spread of sulfuric acid gas from a coking chemical factory. The Chief of the Energy Office of the soum stated that 50 percent of all residents have not had electricity at some time due to transmission line shortages.

Mineral Resources and Energy Minister D.Zorigt, MPs Ts.Bayarsaikhan and Kh.Badamsuren, Chief of the President’s Office D.Battulga, the President’s Advisor P.Tsagaan, Chief of Water Office Ts.Badrakh, and other officials answered questions of the soum residents and explained policies.

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