Oyu Tolgoi salary discrimination trial ending soon

Former employee of Oyu Tolgoi LLC and younger sister of MP S.Ganbaatar, S.Gantuya, will soon take part in the final trial session in a case against Oyu Tolgoi LLC administrators to end discrimination towards Mongolian workers. She claims that in October 2012, she was fired without justification after submitting a complaint to her administrators opposing the discriminatory salaries of Mongolian workers compared to foreign workers at the company.

The Ministry of Labor investigated the issue and found that the salary of foreign workers was far greater than that of Mongolian workers. She filed a complaint with the Sukhbaatar District Court and the court’s decision ruled in her favor. She has won two trials against Oyu Tolgoi administrators, even though Oyu Tolgoi allegedly tried to defend their salary system. S.Gantuya’s victories mean that Mongolian workers are one step closer to earning fair salaries at the company, equal to those of foreign workers.

But one of Mongolia’s finest labor relations experts, G.Urantsetseg, has filed an appeal with the Supreme Court and is set to defend Oyu Tolgoi at a trial scheduled for September 12. If S.Gantuya wins the trial, fair labor practices will be put in place and the salary of all Mongolian workers at Oyu Tolgoi will increase.

S.Gantuya said, “Mongolian courts issued a just decision and defended Mongolians’ rights and interests according to the law. When I’m re-hired at Oyu Tolgoi LLC, I will try my best to form an Oyu Tolgoi Trade Union that serves Mongolian workers instead of Oyu Tolgoi LLC administrators. My salary for the time I was let go is being calculated. I will donate all of my salary to children residing in the soum where I was born.”

Short URL: http://ubpost.mongolnews.mn/?p=5879

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