July 25 ( Representation of the Parliamentary opposition - Mongolian People's Party (MPP) grouping have made a press conference yesterday, following the new Speaker of the State Great Khural (Parliament) Z.Enkhbold was elected at the First Plenary Session of the Parliament and was received by the President of Mongolia on July 24, 2012.

Chairman of the MPP group at the Parliament N.Enkhbold, Parliament members Ya.Sodbaatar and S.Byambatsogt at the press conference explained that electing of new Speaker without MPP representation breached several laws and articles. Stating, "The procedure of electing new Speaker of the Parliament violated several articles of the Law of the Parliament of Mongolia and Bylaw of the Session of the Parliament.

The announcing of the First Session of the Parliament and appointing the Speaker are regulated under several terms of law. More specifically, the First Session of the Parliament is announced by the eldest member and then chaired. There is no article state that the next eldest member of the Parliament should chair the First Session. In other hand, none of the political force gained over 39 seats out of 76 in the Parliament, therefore the party received majority seats has to negotiate with other political representatives in the Parliament. In this scope, the MPP group asked the candidate for Speaker (Z.Enkhbold) to attend the MPP grouping meeting for discussions and express his attitudes. But the nominee for Speaker refused to come. However, the MPP group announced to express his position and to co-elect the Speaker no later than Wednesday (July 25, 2012). Also, the eldest member D.Demberel, who obeys to chair the First Session of the Parliament had issued a resolution to open the Session at 10:00 am on Wednesday, July 25, 2012. Nevertheless, the Democratic Party group at the Parliament neglected the above forcefully, opened the Session and elected the Speaker, where Parliament members were not assembled with its full memberships, in other words only 42 members were present out of 69. The fact of electing the Speaker of the Parliament breached the law."Also, noted that the DP group did not implement the article states that the President of Mongolia had to attend the First Session of the Parliament. "As a matter of fact, the MPP group will claim for the Constitutional Court of Mongolia", announced at the press conference.

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