Activists might be sentenced up to 10 years

June 7 ( Head of the Movement United for Rivers and LakesTs.Munkhbayar (Mogi: winner of 2007 Goldman Environmental Prize) , Ongi River Movement`s N.Tumurbaatar, S.Sambuu-Yondon, Khuder gol movement`s N.Bayaraa`s trial began in Songino-Khairkhan district court today.

But the trial put back because one of the defendants N.Tumurbaatar had surgery. N.Tumurbaatar went into surgery after he was stabbed in the abdomen on May 16. Even the surgery completed successfully, it was necessary to have surgery again last week.

They are accused of willfully destroying the property of another by shooting machinery belonging to Puraam, Centerra Gold mining companies operating in Tunkhel village of Selenge province on Sep 2 in 2009. According to Article 153.2 of Criminal law criminal proceedings started on the case. Primary court which held April 16 in 2011 sent back the case file to investigation. If the court proves they are guilty, they will be sentenced up to 5-10 years in prison or forced to do public services or fined.

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