Minimum monthly wage now varies in different sectors

Below is a short interview with M.Bayarmaa, official of the Labor and Social Policy Authority of the Confederation of Mongolian Trade Unions, regarding the newly set minimum monthly wage.

-How many citizens earn the minimum monthly wage in Mongolia?

-The number of citizens earning the minimum monthly wage in our country has been determined as a result of several inspections carried out by the National Statistical Office and the State Specialized Inspection Agency. Out of the total number of workers in Mongolia, eight to ten percent earn the minimum monthly wage, while 14 percent take a bit more than the minimum. With the increase across the main sectors of our country, the minimum monthly wage for the auto transportation sector is now 224,640 MNT, the energy sector is 307,200 MNT, the health sector is 249,600 MNT, while the construction sector is 358,848 MNT from now on.

-What is the average wage of all workers in Mongolia? The average wage amount will increase according to the increase in the minimum monthly wage, correct?

-Today, the average monthly wage of workers in Mongolia is 598,500 MNT. The percentage of individuals earning the average monthly wage was 23 percent, but it has increased to 32 percent now. Generally, the percentage must be at least 40 percent for developing or poor countries. It reaches even 60 percent in some countries.

-How will the new ordinance on wages affect private sector companies?

-The minimum monthly wage applies to all companies and workers in both the public and private sector. In other words, there must be no worker with a monthly wage under 192,000 MNT now.

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