Comics sequel of ‘Queen Anu’ to be published

The “Queen Anu” novel about the wife of Galdan Boshogtu was published three years ago. One year later, this novel by writer B.Shuudertsetseg was staged by both actor Ts.Bayasgalan and director B.Baatar of the State Academic Drama Theatre in their theater. Actress Ts.Bayasgalan played the role of Queen Anu and actor Ts.Tserenbold performed the character of Galdan Boshogtu. The writer then made a film based on her novel in early 2013.

Now children can read the history of “Queen Anu” in the form of comics. Writer B.Shuudertsetseg recently wrote on her Facebook page, “I’m very happy that the ‘Queen Anu’ comics will be published with the support of oil exporter, the ‘M Oil’ group. The comics will be the first ever about a Mongolian queen and an interesting medium for the children to study Mongolia’s history. See you with the new comics next week.”

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