Sing and become famous

Has everybody been watching the song competition “Universe Best Songs” on UBS Television?

UBS Television is one of the top television channels in Mongolia, which initiated and organizes this competition. It is now in its third season and has become very popular among the Mongolian people and expats alike. This is clear by the number of participants increasing registration to the competition. It is akin to American Idol and The X Factor in the United States.

Mongolia is a massive country when you look at land size, but it doesn’t have a big population. The population of Mongolia is only just over 2 million people. This is advantageous as it is easy to become known in Mongolia. You could be famous for your talent, ability, effort, or something outrageous. With only 2 million people, nearly everyone can see or hear you through the media outlets.

The Universe Best Songs is the best place to become known to people or become a star. Do you wonder why this might be so? Because, we remember almost all of the participants in this competitions, especially the unusual and talented participants.

For example, I will never forget the guy who sang the Akon’s song. Originally he was singing in English as Akon sang, but his pronunciation made the audience confused then laugh. Only he and his supporters understood him. After his performance he became famous. Everyone was talking about him ‘Did you see last night’s episode? Did you watch that guy who sang the Akon’s song?’ Everyone was sharing his video on Facebook.

There are also other people who became famous by their talent like the Grand Prix winners. Also, there are people who became famous by their amusing and cheerful character. For example, the man who was yodeling on National Academic Drama Theatre’s stage. Yodeling is not familiar to Mongolians, but he made yodeling familiar to all Mongolians.

In Mongolia we may meet this man on the street – one of the advantages of a small population. We will not forget him.

If you want to participate to this competition and become famous you must sing a song in any foreign language except Mongolia. At the first stage you must sing a song without music. Then you may be selected to participate in the next stage. From the second stage onwards, you will be able to sing with music and preform. 

This competition has 4 stages and a final gala concert. After the 4th stage the best 25 participants will be selected and compete for Grand Prix prize. Then you may have the opportunity to be cast in a movie! Then you will surely be a famous Mongolian. Good luck!

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