My hour with a MG6 Turbo

Big boot, precision engineering, young man sporty looks, built by Chinese engineers and has a turbo. Some of the many new facts about the new MG6 Turbo. After 16 years of nothing its just a desperate attempt at a compact saloon.

On purchase of the vehicle you will have to wait for a few weeks for the center components to be changed as its not supported in South africa. The leather they use seems fake and legible to quick damages. The fast back may look sporty and be spacious but you will be quick to find the rear visibility is very limited and will cause reversing problems to slightly unsuccessful drivers.

The 1.8 turbo MG6 has 3 different models 1.8T comfort, 1.8T luxury and 1.8T deluxe, all pre-set with feature's that can NOT change. Yes, hard to believe but they are all fixed. So you can not expect a sun roof from the entry range or middle range and that applies to all other features. Enough said of that..

Let's not forget or neglect that you will have havoc to get repairs from your MG, let's be honest their motto was "get home before dark" and the only thing that I have learnt from a history class was, History always seems to repeat itself.

Yes, its fearly nice looking and has a few good features and has glorious plans but is R 270 000 (rand) for the top of the range worth it? And does it really compete with cars like the Kia Cerato or VW golf? Asking myself again and again the answer remains, no..


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