Auto road drainage design is ineffective

Because of recent heavy rains, it has become difficult for pedestrians to walk along the street without running the high risk of getting drenched by cars passing through the water collecting on roadsides. Insufficient drainage systems are becoming a hazard for all residents. Below are a few details about the drainage pipes of UB roads, presented by B.Enkhtaivan, manager in charge of the dam and drain pipe lines of the Water Installment State Owned Agency.

-Are there enough drainage pipes for Ulaanbaatar’s roads?

-Compared to conditions a few years before, the number of drain pipes has increased. During the socialist period in Mongolia, auto roads were built with detailed plans for required drain pipes, but since the shift to a free market in 1990, most roads have been built without drain pipes in connection to financial problems. But now the number of drain pipes accompanying roads is rather high.

-Will the 33 new intersections and other roads to be built with state funds have drain pipes?

-Most road construction projects are proceeding at places with access to drain pipe lines. Auto road authorities focus on building roads without much regard to drainage systems. Road construction companies don’t usually have a professional water engineer, or they have the road design formulated by unqualified people. But even when tough professionals formulate the design, road construction projects do not typically follow the proper design specifications.

-Last year, drainage pipes were developed along certain roads, but they were sagging with water this year. Why is this?

-It is because the drain pipes were not built properly with regard to road gradients. The engineering of the drainage pipe system was done decades ago, and it is now insufficient for the current demand and load of roads.

-How many drainage pipes are there in Ulaanbaatar?

-There are two main pipe lines, one between the Officer’s Palace and Tavan Shar, and the other one is between 32 traffic circle and the Tavan Buudal bus stop. The 19th khoroolol and areas close to it are not connected to the central drain pipe system.

-Heavy rains have been falling in recent years. What roads have been drained of rainwater so far?

-We are draining water on all roads. But we are lacking the technology and equipment for draining. As our agency has only two drainage trucks, we borrowed six trucks from the Ulaanbaatar City Maintenance Authority for better efficiency.

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