
Press statement by OyuTolgoi LLC regarding a report posted on May 27th on website

“Recent media reports stating that OT’s water supply has been stopped due to a tax dispute are incorrect. OyuTolgoi LLC has always operated in good faith and in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations.

The company has always paid its water fees in a timely manner in accordance with its Water use contract. The Ministry of Environment and Green Development advised OyuTolgoi that new water rates would be introduced and that the company should continue to pay the existing rates until the Government of Mongolia approved a new rate.

On Saturday, 25 May, OyuTolgoi received a notice from the Ministry of Environment and Green Development (MEGD) informing us that the new water fees had now been approved. OyuTolgoi is looking forward to reaching a mutually acceptable solution with the GoM on the water fees.”


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