Solar Lamps Light the Dreams of Children Korean Solar Lamps Lighting Mongolian Homes

-GCS cooperating with the Korea Green Foundation as local project partner-

On May 12, representatives from the Korea Green Foundation, the Global Civic Sharing (GCS) Mongolia Office, and Lotte Department Store got together with Mongolian families at the Songinokhairkhan District Police Office the solar lamp presentation ceremony. A total of 150 sets of solar lamps were given to low income families living in the Songinokhairkhan District, an area near Ulaanbaatar.

This project was made possible through a significant cooperative effort between Korean NPO and Mongolian NGOs, corporations, and government bureaus. Employees of the Korea Green Foundation and Lotte Department Store, four Korean congressmen and women from the Congressional group “Tree Planters” came from Korea, and from Mongolia were Representatives from GCS and three Vice Chiefs of the Songinokhairkhan District, as well as officials from the district government.

Secretary general Lee Mi-kyung of the Korea Green Foundation stated that the solar lights project “will be the light that illuminates the future of Asian children, like the sun that shines equally upon everyone on Earth.” Marketing sector leader Jung Seung-in of Lotte Department Store mentioned his wishes that the solar lights will “not only light up homes, but go on to spread the light of hope in whole villages and communities.” Secretary General Cho Hyun-ju of GCS Korea commented that “the fragrance of a sharing heart travels even further than the fragrance of flowers,” mentioning his appreciation for the various organizations that helped out with the project. He added that the sustainability and concern for the environment reflected in the solar powered lamps fit well with the traditional ways in which Mongolians have coexisted with nature over their history. The vice chiefs of the district government expressed gratitude that the friendship between Mongolia and Korea that budded during the “Well of Life” project led to further aid through the solar lamp project. After the ceremony, the Mongolian government officials and the representatives from Korea visited two recipient families and personally presented the solar light sets.

The Korea Green Foundation began aid to developing countries in Asia through the “Well of Life” project in 2006. Between 2006 and 2007, five wells were built in Songinokhairkhan as a part of it. The solar lamp project began in 2012, and in its first year 3000 lamps were sent to various energy-poor communities in Nepal, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, and Cambodia. The second phase of the project took off in April 2013 with the provision of solar powered lamps to 320 families in Indonesia.

GCS, cooperative organization in Mongolia, works in local community development at the Songinokhairkhan district. Their projects have included establishing ‘Community Development Training Center’ and running the “Community Leadership Training Course,” which aims to raise community leaders. The GCS, in cooperation with the Songinokhairkhan government, selected recipient families based on need. It plans to manage distribution, management and monitoring of the solar lamps, so as to make sure that the solar lamps stay in usable condition or are exchanged for new ones if needed.

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