10 Q&As with PM Altankhuyag and Diplomatic Corps

March 29 (InfoMongolia) On March 28, 2013, Prime Minister of Mongolia Norov ALTANKHUYAG attended the second meeting titled "The 10 Questions and Answers" to give comprehensive information on current political and economic situation of Mongolia, where representatives of Diplomatic Offices, International Organizations and foreign resident correspondents have participated that took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The first meeting was organized under "Prime Minister: 10 Q&A" at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia on October 24, 2012, and here is below the 10 Questions selected and Answers as follows:

1. What is the distinct policy of the New Government For Changes compare to previous Governments?

- We are working on three principal issues. First, our Government is working aimed to provide with opportunities of involvement in state activity by its citizens and entities. Second, any state actions are to be clear and open for public. Third, any actions completed must be reported having responsible authority.

2. What is your position on the law of the foreign investments' limit in mining sectors?

- We have delivered a bill to the Parliament to amend on the Law on Regulation of the Foreign Investments in the Strategically Significant Industries. You know, the Law was approved before the 2012 Parliament Elections that meets with controversies today, hence after discussing and studying over six months, we have decided to change some articles, not to pass through the Parliament discussion even the foreign investors' share to own is over 49% or over 100 billion MNT. In particular, we dropped the threshold of 100 billion MNT and the 49% of investments is considered to only Joint Stock Companies or companies with state participations.

3. On which projects will be spent the "Chinggis" Bond?

- At first, centers of the 6 aimags will be connected with paved roads to Ulaanbaatar city in 2013. 33 T-intersections of Ulaanbaatar will be converted into 4-way junctions. Highways will be constructed, in addition railroads from Tavan Tolgoi to Gashuun Sukhait and from Tavan Tolgoi to Sainshand will be also financed by "Chinggis" Bond.

4. The Government of Mongolia is to introduce its Mongol Brand, what are current implementations?

- We are planning to introduce annually one Mongol Brand during Mongolia Economic Forum in the sectors of animal husbandry including wool, cashmere, milk and leather. Thereby, some parts of "Chinggis" Bond will be spent for projects on wool, cashmere and tailoring industries. Also, Mongolia is preparing to participate at the World's Leading Travel Trade Show 2015 in Berlin.

5. What is your plan to spend more efficiently the income sourced from mining sectors?

- Not only Cabinet decides solely, but the Parliament also issues resolutions. Before, we used to transfer the income from mining sectors into Human Development Fund's account, but now the welfare allocation is abridged considerably, in particular the monthly 21,000 MNT allocation per citizen has been stopped, instead the Government is allotting monthly 20,000 MNT per child up to 18 years old. Our main policy is employed and paid citizens.

6. On which sectors will be spent the foreign investments?

- The 49% of the bidding for New Railroad Project was announced open internationally. Currently, over 20 companies have applied to invest. We plan to invest into the Power Plant to construct in Tavan Tolgoi, also the V Power Plant will be built by Concession Agreement by foreign investments. We are ready to collaborate with any foreign investors in the frames of mutually beneficial. In addition, Altanbulag – Zamyn-Uud highway is also to be constructed by Concession Agreement. New Airport in Khushigt valley and Oil Refinery Industry are to be built by loan, and roads will be accomplished by foreign investments as well as we inviting investors for 100,000 households program.

7 What is going on about Oyu Tolgoi shareholders' meeting? What is expected on the current negotiations between the Government of Mongolia and the Rio Tinto?

- The one achievement done is sitting behind the tables, currently negotiations are continuing and the process is ongoing not bad.

8. Soon the VII Ministerial Conference of the Community of Democracies is to be held in Ulaanbaatar. Can you provide us with comprehensive information?

- Minister for Foreign Affairs L.Bold will report next week. As of today, President of Nigeria, Prime Minister of Thailand, Nobel Peace Prize awardees and other ministerial-level representatives are claimed to attend.

9. Prime Ministers of Japan and Turkey are to conduct official visits to Mongolia. What is the nearest prognosis of mutual and multilateral relationships of Mongolia?

- On March 30-31, 2013, Prime Minister of Japan is to visit Mongolia, followed by the Prime Minister of Turkey, and the upcoming event of the Ministerial Conference of the Community of Democracies in April. Also, Mongolia is to celebrate the World Environment Day in Ulaanbaatar on June 01-05, 2013. And, the "World Economic Forum's strategic dialogue on Mongolia's economic development perspectives and its tendencies" will be organized in association with the World Economic Forum in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia in September of 2013.

10. How the New Government resolves the requests proposed via public contact center, namely "11-11"?

- In the period of four months, there were sent 34,356 requests from civilians, whereas we have responded on over 30,200 questions and 4,100 are being awaited. Of which, 24 thousand of requests were comments to the Government, 3,700 were complaints, 390 appreciations, and about 2,400 were critiques respectively.

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