Mongolia-China business meeting held in Liaoning

Prime Minister of Mongolia N.Altankhuyag is on the third day of a state visit to China. Today in Shenyang city in Liaoning Province, China he attended a Mongolia-China business meeting where a large proportion of enterprises and state officials of the two countries were represented.

Xu Weiguo, Deputy Secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee expressed their willingness to collaborate on road relations, foreign trade and travel with Mongolia during the meeting. He also stated that he wanted the Mongolian Prime Minister to consider establishing a Consulate of Mongolia in the province.

Ambassador from Mongolia to China, Ts.Sukhbaatar, emphasized that choosing this province from the 31 provinces in China for the Mongolia-China business meeting was not meer chance. The nearest sea port to the Mongolian border is located in the province. Mongolia’s goal is to develop its south eastern region with its own rich natural resources. The north-eastern province of China, Liaoning, would be the most valuable partner due to its geographical position.

Officials of Ministries and governors of eastern provinces of Mongolia accompanied the Prime Minister to work with Chinese officials on drafting mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation as the two countries are connected through infrastructure.

The Minister of Roads and Transportation, A.Gansukh spoke about key targets for the roads and infrastructure sector of Mongolia in the near future and gave complements to representatives at the Mongolia-China business meeting.

Minister Gansukh said that huge road and railway projects in Mongolia are open to Chinese investment and project developers. Even bank and financial institutions have opportunities to deliver suggestions on investment loans.

Liaoning province also introduced their opportunities for investment and cooperation with Mongolia.

Prime Minister N.Altankhuyag expressed his gratitude that talks between Ministers and the Deputy of the Liaoning Province were successful and said it is good that parties agree on road and railway plans.


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