Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia /MONTSAME/ The Prime Minister S.Batbold received on Wednesday Z.Buyannemekh who has saved many lives during a flight of the Cathay Pacific aviation company of Hong Kong.

The PM said Mongolians are proud of the man who prevented a terrorist attack and saved lives of many people. Expressing deep thanks to Z.Buyannemekh on behalf of himself and the government, the Premier gave him a certificate and prize.

A citizen of Mongolia Z.Buyannemekh saved lives of 216 passengers on board while flying from Bangkok to Hong Kong under a flight number CX712 operated by the Cathay Pacific Airways company. He interrupted a suicide attempt of a Philippine terrorist to take hostage and crash the plane.

The Philippine terrorist confessed in his statement to the police that he had received a mission to crash the Cathay Pacific flight number CX712. The terrorist was travelling alone, and was to threaten the passengers with a knife without getting them out of their seats and crash the plane by opening the door. 

The Mongolian managed to interrupt his terrorist attempt.

"We flew to Bangkok at 4.10 pm. I was sitting in the second row from the front. At around 07.00 pm, approximately 20 minutes before the landing, three flight attendants started screaming. When I looked, there was a person struggling with the three flight attendants, demanding and trying to open the front door. After seeing this, I tackled him by strangling him around his neck, when the second pilot came out and secured him with handcuffs," he said.

"I felt pleasant when it was announced that a Mongolian man saved many lives and many people cheered with gratefulness when I was getting off the plane," he added.

The authority of the Cathay Pacific Airways received Z.Buyannemekh and expressed him a gratitude told that they were very grateful for the heroic doings and it was a very prideful endeavor. They have granted to him a lifetime eligibility to travel the 1st class on their company flights free of charges.



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